Century 21 removes sign promoting GOP incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy

NORTH ARLINGTON – On 9/15 we reported a political lawn sign supporting North Arlington incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy on the property of Century 21 Semiao & Associates, located at 761 Ridge Road at the border of North Arlington and Lyndhurst.

We thought at the time that a real estate business that represents both buyers and sellers as well as Democrats and Republicans would not take a position in partisan politics, especially in another municipality.

We thought wrong.

But today we passed by to see the placard has been removed (see image).   

At the time we were told that the Mayor of North Arlington is also a real estate agent and he hangs his license with this national franchise as well as Kirk Del Russo, a Republican member of the Borough Council.

In fact Del Russo also served as a member of the now defunct North Arlington Redevelopment Agency, the government body that promoted and endorsed the ill-fated housing scheme known as EnCap, strongly supported by Republicans while it was local Democrats who opposed it and defeated the proposal known as Arlington Valley, also endorsed by former President Donald J. Trump.


The plan was originally all about golf courses built on dormant garbage landfills that morphed into over 1,500 units of affordable and low income units. This ill-fated housing scheme failed under its own financial weight as the state backed off on the remediation costs which were estimated at the time in excess of $100 million dollars.

Local Republicans and the campaign of incumbents Fitzhenry and Sheedy are being fueled by out-of-town real estate interests including developers, redevelopers, consultants, contractors and builders that support the plethora of overdevelopment along Ridge Road, and now metastasizing along Schuyler Avenue, the Belleville Turnpike and River Road. It is estimated over 100 units have already been constructed with hundreds more scheduled.

Local Democratic candidates John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia were happy to see this local real estate office remove the sign.

“Democrats and Independents list and buy property. It was a bad idea to place the sign and I’m happy to see it was removed. It was just bad business,” offered the challengers.

The Democrats believe the differences between the two tickets is widening each and every day.

“We want to keep the community small, safe and suburban and Fitzhenry and Sheedy are a collective blank check for more apartments, congestion, decreased residential parking and increased traffic along Ridge Road. They seem intent on turning North Arlington into Belleville. We want NA to remain the gateway to Bergen County. This policy of overdevelopment by the incumbents is not working and now these flawed policies are raising property taxes,” observed Balwierczak who is running for office for the first time.

Meet the Democrats every Saturday from 9 am to 12 noon at the NA Post Office located at Ridge Park Drive. Come by and complete a community survey, register to vote or place a sign on your lawn. 

The Democrats are having a fundraiser this Sunday at 6 pm for an Italian style buffet and dessert. Bring your own wine! Tickets are $50 per person and two for $75! For details and location, contact the campaign at (201) 655-8497.

Guest speaker will be Bergen County Democratic Committee Chairman Paul Juliano.