Mark Yampaglia is the only choice of the Bergen County Democratic Committee,
the official arm of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee!
Councilman Yampaglia is the Proven Bipartisan Problem-Solver that Puts
Taxpayers First!
Councilman Mark Yampaglia for Mayor
Peter Massa and Josie Papile for North Arlington Borough Council
Keeping North Arlington Small, Safe and Suburban!
Vote Column 1 for the Democratic Team:
* Senator Robert Menendez
* Congressman Bill Pascrell
* County Executive James Tedesco
* Anthony Cureton for Sheriff
* Freeholder Steve Tanelli
* Freeholder Tracy Zur
* Assemblyman Clinton Calabrese
* Councilman Mark Yampaglia for Mayor
* Peter Massa for Borough Council
* Josie Papile for Borough Council
Mark Yampaglia is the only candidate for Mayor with a proven platform and
agenda that will unify North Arlington:
* Bike Path and Running Paths for the Passaic River from the Arlington Diner
to Riverside County Park
* Repeal High Taxes by eliminating the intrusive Rolling Reassessments
* Renovate the Senior Center
* Payments in Lieu of Taxes for hosting Holy Name Cemetery
* New Pocket Parks and Community Gardens
* New Parking Strategies, less traffic and better solutions for Leaf & Snow
Want to speak with Councilman Yampaglia?
Call (201) 937-4277