Council candidate John Yampaglia doesn’t view politics or campaigns as some kind of blood sport. He believes in service above self!

NORTH ARLINGTON – John Yampaglia is part of a family that has spent a lifetime in public service and serving North Arlington.

Making his second race for borough council, Yampaglia has lived in North Arlington his entire life and views politics as a sense of service to his community.

Inferences coming out of the GOP camp online have questioned his residency and his ability to serve.

But Yampaglia is a life-long resident who assists in the care of his elder parents, as his mother is now 83, requiring his care and help.

Somehow, that is contrived as some negative or described in a way that demeans helping one’s parents.

It’s wrong and shameful.

His Dad, former municipal judge and retired attorney Emil Yampaglia who was the Democratic nominee for mayor in 1990 is now 94.

For John Yampaglia has a strong resume of service as a former council candidate, member of the planning board, teacher and small business owner who graduated from local public schools, including NAHS.

He successfully operates and manages a hair salon in Essex County for over a decade and graduated from the Capri Institute of Cosmetology as well as being a well renowned stylist himself.


He earned an undergraduate degree from NJCU (formerly Jersey City State College) in political science, while earning a Master’s in Religious Studies at Seton Hall University and also has a teacher’s certification in elementary & secondary education having instructed in both North Arlington and Hoboken High schools.

Is there anyone else in this race more educationally qualified or diversified in background than John Yampaglia?

But what seems most hurtful and false is this notion the Yampaglia’s are not part of the North Arlington community.

For how much does one need to do to get Republican acknowledgement of the truth?

Emil Yampaglia served as a judge to both Democratic & Republican mayors.

He ran for mayor himself in 1990.

Mark Yampaglia, also an attorney with a practice in Rutherford previously served as a Public Defender and was appointed twice to the Borough Council by two different mayors and was elected to the council in 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2016.

If nothing else, the Yampaglia family has a unique and historic commitment to municipal service here in North Arlington.

The picture here was taken in 1974, some 50 years ago where candidate John Yampaglia is seen with his school colleague Brian Fitzhenry, along with other classmates at the time.

A class picture is also evident where Brian Fitzhenry and John Yampaglia were in a student photo from Queen of Peace Grammar School during the 1976-77 school year.

For how does one question one’s residency given this long body of service to the community for so many years?

John Yampaglia is a humble individual that does not toot his own horn.

He is not a typical politician and places people over petty politics and considers Councilman Brian Fitzhenry a friend, neighbor and fellow resident.

He harbors no animosity to the Councilman or his running-mate.

In fact, he believes the Mayor & Council should work as a team, regardless of political party and he will do his best to do what’s right for the homeowner or tenant.

Being a Democrat doesn’t make you evil as suggested by those GOP shadow critics online.

Having a different point-of-view or a another way to fix a problem is healthy and quite frankly, the democratic solution to a functioning and well run, grass roots democracy.

John recently met up with the outstanding US Representative Josh Gottheimer (D-5), a member of the Problem Solvers Caucus, a bipartisan group of consensus-building Republicans & Democrats who work together to get things done.

To do your job and in essence, put taxpayers first!

For that is exactly the kind of councilman John Yampaglia aspires to be, a problem-solving elected official who places policy over partisan politics.

John Yampaglia wants to serve and has the time, commitment, record and resume to keep North Arlington small, safe and suburban.

For when will these phantom Republicans at least tell the truth, or at least offer the record and resume of the incumbents as the reason to be reelected?

Rep. Gottheimer was impressed when he heard just how many signatures Yampaglia secured, as Gottheimer has been mentioned as the kind of candidate that would make for a great governor.

An individual who is not partisan, but bipartisan and works in concert with others.

There will be no food fights if Democrats are to earn the confidence of the public and return to representing North Arlington once again.

For the fearmongering being waged by the local GOP is pathetic, and a sign that when you don’t have anything to say about your own team, you want to drive the race into the mud before it starts.

John Yampaglia will not be going in that direction and either will his running-mate John Balwierczak.

There is too much at stake and they won’t be diverted or distracted by tasteless untruths that demean the political process and discourse,

This will be a battle of ideas and vision no matter how hard those GOP operatives try to drag this race down.

And North Arlington already is seeing through the nonsense of a negative race that just won’t hunt in 2024!

John Yampaglia, placing public service first and petty politics last.