Online sources claim four cars had items robbed at this garden apartment complex.

NORTH ARLINGTON – According to FACEBOOK postings by NA residents, multiple passenger vehicles were broken into and robbed earlier this week.

According to the posting, four cars had personal property stolen.

Democratic candidates John Balwierczak & John Yampaglia commented on the rash of robberies.

“Keeping the community safe is a high priority and this is the second time in several months we had multiple break-in’s which is disturbing. Should we be elected we will work closely with law enforcement to ensure they have all the tools to end these vehicular robberies,” offered the candidates.

The Democrats said they would cooperate with the other members of the Mayor & Council to find best practices and solve this challenge.

“Our slogan is real. Keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban is the very reason why people love North Arlington so much. These values and principles must be protected. The NAPD will have our full cooperation and support. As longtime residents, we recognize the hard work and professionalism of the NAPD. They have our backs, loyalty and trust.”

North Arlington saw several car incidents occur on Rutherford Place last winter and as the Democrats continue this intensive door-to-door campaign, safety is something that does come up in conversation.

“We need a second pair of eyes and a different point of view to examine the community’s issues and challenges. Responsible two-party government and adding Democrats to the governing body is essential for change versus the current status quo of all Republicans, all of the time,” observed the two council candidates.

The Democrats pledged to work with the majority on issues of law enforcement and public safety.

“We seek consensus and unity when addressing issues of crime,” noted the council challengers.

Anyone who has any information regarding these break-in’s are urged to contact the NAPD at (201) 991-4400.