Online Republicans sling mud and personal attacks, while residents are feeling unsafe!

NORTH ARLINGTON – While local Republican tirades on FACEBOOK ignore the real issues and pivot with personal, petty, and persistent attacks on Democratic council candidates John Balwierczak & John Yampaglia, here we have another online post by a resident reporting a home break-in which resulted in the theft of a Porsche automobile.

Apparently the auto theft took place at 3:30 AM when the car keys were stolen in a residence that had a baby.

This brazen break-in and robbery was reported on FACEBOOK and it has residents upset, concerned and worried.

While no one was hurt, a break-in such as this has been part of a wave of thefts that have been reported on FACEBOOK since December of 2023.

Local Republican surrogates and scribes have been relentless in personal attacks and innuendo against Balwierczak and Yampaglia who have been engaged and speaking to residents all over the community that are concerned about their personal safety and private property.

The Democrats have been campaigning for nearly a year, demonstrating the seriousness of their efforts to keep NA small, safe and suburban.

“Keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban is a principle we deeply believe is at the foundation of our candidacy and the core values of North Arlington. The incumbents in this race are engaging in policies and proposals that are dismantling this core community belief with urbanization and gentrification. They mock our efforts and govern from an ivory tower in that all is well and everything is just fine,” observed council candidates John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia.

“Instead of addressing auto vandalism and ensuring the community’s safety, they pretend there are no problems and personally attack us because we had the audacity to challenge the status quo,” offered the two Democrats.

Recent posts questioned John Yampaglia’s life-long residence and employment when in fact he is a small business owner with a hair salon located in Essex County. Mr. Yampaglia resides in the same home as his elderly parents, his father in his nineties and mother in her eighties.

“I’m running because I care about seniors like my parents and I won’t apologize for assisting them. They need my help. I’m disturbed by these vicious remarks by the GOP that are designed to humiliate and embarrass me because I care about my family? They are nasty and uncalled for. I will continue to offer voters another choice that will end this Republican monopoly that has independents and Democrats shutout of the democratic process,” offered Yampaglia, whose father served as municipal judge and his brother as a four-term councilman and public defender.

Both father and brother were nominees for mayor as well.

“I have lived here my entire life. Questions about where I reside are just reckless and irresponsible. It’s only June and these GOP voices are already rolling around in the political mud. It’s a sad state of affairs and not the values of North Arlington,” offered the small business owner who is the only candidate in the race with an advanced degree.

Balwierczak, the former Republican who changed parties saw what the NA GOP was all about, up close and upfront!   

“I sat in on numerous NA Republican Club meetings and saw what occurs when you don’t tow the party line. I’m being attacked because I am a full-time candidate and I live with my Mom who was recently widowed. She lost her husband and I lost my father. I have a permanent hearing disability and have received Social Security benefits since I was 18. If not for my disability I probably would have sought a career in public safety, but it did not work out for me. I was fortunate enough to invest in a small business and my personal investments allow me to pursue my goal of entering public life. It is ironic how my intentions are questioned by ghost writers when an incumbent in this race is a double-dipping politician on two public payrolls who was paid last year $500 to work the polls when there was no race at all! Maybe these phantom authors should look at their own candidates before attacking my good intentions. I have nothing to hide and I’m just waiting for either Brian or Allison to explain what they have done and why they should be reelected. After thousands of “yes” votes and rubber stamping increased traffic, density and this unbridled construction of apartments along Ridge Road, do they believe destroying our community legacy as the gateway to Bergen County is supported by the public at-large? The answer is obvious,” offered the Chestnut Street resident.

“The choice is simple. I will fight to keep NA like the rest of Bergen County, not an extension of the politics and partisan antics of Hudson County.”

Both Democrats pledged that if elected they would not accept any pay raises for these part-time positions and would vote against any further council pay hikes or increases.

The Democrats said they would propose placing any Republican pay increase proposals on the ballot for the voters to decide.

“The people elect us. Let the residents decide if we deserve a raise and how much. We can serve three years without demanding a pay hike,” offered the two challengers.

“Can Brian or Allison join us in curbing these continued pay hikes? Can they place the community first and foremost? We shall see,” offered Balwierczak.

Balwierczak and Yampaglia said they are committed to running a clean, issue-oriented campaign, no matter how low the GOP may go.

“It is attacks like these that warrant and demand two-party representation on the Borough Council. They say and do as they please which prevents people from getting involved and engaged and maybe that’s part of a strategy to destroy our grass roots democracy with one-party rule and a monopoly on the operation of the community. We have listed many issues that remain unanswered and uncontested. Whether they like it or not, we’re in this race to offer an alternative, new ideas for better representation at the local level,” offered both Democrats.

Both Balwierczak and Yampaglia urged all North Arlington residents to vote in Tuesday’s primary elections.

“We ask all undeclared voters and Democrats to cast a vote for accountability, change and a better way to govern the community. Should you need a ride to the polls, we will be happy to pick you up and take you home,” offered Balwierczak.

Call the candidate at 201-655-8497 to arrange a ride to the polls on June 4th.