For Brian Fitzhenry believes after nearly two decades of raising taxes & spending, he is best “qualified” to represent North Arlington for another three years!

NORTH ARLINGTON – For “qualifications” are in the eye of the beholder.

For embedded Republican incumbent Brian Fitzhenry never seems to tout his own record of achievement, but would rather attack his opponents incessantly hoping they would just go away.

You would think having served nearly two decades as a member of the North Arlington Board of Education and as councilman, he would have something positive to share with voters.

So let’s examine the Fitzhenry record of political failure:

Brian Fitzhenry served nine years on the North Arlington Board of Education raising taxes and spending every year as a school trustee.

Brian Fitzhenry has no record of educational or academic excellence having served nearly a decade.

Brian Fitzhenry is proud of his myopic and delusional attempt for the New Jersey State Senate where he was crushed in a landslide defeat at the polls.

Brian Fitzhenry tried to seek county office and could not even secure his party’s nomination, he was such a weak candidate, Republicans turned him away and dismissed his candidacy.

In 2004 he made his first run for Borough Council and was summarily crushed by a Democratic ticket led by former Mayor Peter C. Massa and current County Commissioner Steve Tanelli, who is seeking reelection with fellow Democrats John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia.

In that failed race Fitzhenry hitched his wagon to the colossally stupid premise of retaining a failed water utility that was millions deficient in infrastructure upgrades and deemed a financial liability. Nevertheless, he railed against the sale and paid a hefty political price at the polls.

Not having any opposition in years, Fitzhenry is a political hand puppet of the GOP machine, having voted to urbanize North Arlington into an extension of Hudson County and retreating from the long held principle North Arlington was the gateway to Bergen County!

A supporter of the failed EnCap housing scheme, Fitzhenry is a longtime supporter of Donald Trump, the engineer behind that attempt to build some 1,600 units of “affordable” housing in the Meadowlands!

Now Fitzhenry through his votes has supported the density, increased traffic, and plethora of multiple dwellings along Ridge Road with more to come!

Fitzhenry has voted himself generous raises as a part-time council member for attending one meeting per month!

Fitzhenry is a proud supporter of random, rolling assessments that are increasing taxes on homeowners!

And Fitzhenry supports this year’s impending tax and spending hike, making his record one of the most anti-taxpayer politicians in the history of North Arlington!

For Brian Fitzhenry is a reliable “yes” vote for more taxes and spending with little, if any tangible results after nearly twenty years in office!

Yes, Brian Fitzhenry is “qualified” to raise taxes and spending, a “yes” vote for builders and developer interests, while supporting the gentrification and the urbanization of a community that fundamentally disagrees with his record that can be best described as two decades of failure.


For his longevity in office spells disaster for voters.


Brian Fitzhenry. In office too long. Out of touch and time to go!