Online rants by this embedded Republican Councilmember border on the comical.


NORTH ARLINGTON – An online exchange by a borough resident and incumbent GOP Councilman Brian Fitzhenry (R), who seems to play loose with the facts only to be set straight for his failed record.

Fitzhenry, the embedded do-nothing member of the North Arlington Borough Council was called out on a Social Media post for failing to take responsibility for what many regard as increasing crime as a home invasion occurred in his own 7th district!

“Call Gov Murphy for the up tick in crime,” uttered Fitzhenry without any evidence that the Governor would somehow be the problem and not Fitzhenry’s failed record as a decade-long member of the governing body who can’t seem to point to a single accomplishment other than awarding himself four consecutive pay hikes between 2020-2024.

In typical “MAGA” fashion, Fitzhenry kept spouting the word “facts,” but failed to offer any in attacking the New Jersey Governor for a spike in crime in North Arlington.


Fitzhenry seems obsessed with Democratic challenger John Yampaglia for using the phrase “John Emilio,” which is the name of his Essex County Hair Salon. Fitzhenry has known Yampaglia and the Yampaglia family his entire life as they were former class-mates, yet Fitzhenry seems to believe some cryptic wrong by his opponent for being proud of his Italian heritage and use of that personal brand.


“Brian goes from one political obsession to another. He was obsessed with the successful transaction of a failed water utility that yielded North Arlington taxpayers millions as the asset diminished in value to just over $250,000 at the time of the transaction to a worthy water agency in which Fitzhenry viciously opposed,” noted Democrats Balwierczak and Yampaglia.

“He forgets to mention it was NA Republicans that abandoned the utility for failure to invest in the deteriorating system and thus, the right decision to sell it to an agency that has the expertise and capabilities to manage it successfully,”

Fitzhenry, after raising school property taxes nine consecutive times over three terms on the NA Board of Education was crushed for the council in 2004 when he was schooled by then Councilman Steve Tanelli, now a four-time Bergen County Commissioner who is seeking reelection to a record fifth-term with council running-mates, John Balwierczak and Yampaglia.

“We doubt Commissioner Tanelli believes Phil Murphy is responsible for break-in’s and home invasions here in North Arlington,” observed the challengers.   

“For beyond awarding himself pay raises four years running and now the architect behind this year’s tax hike, can Fitzhenry point to anything in his two-decade record of failure that benefits homeowners and taxpayers,” chuckled Balwierczak, a former Republican seeking office for the first time.

Democrats also pointed out the fact that Republicans like Fitzhenry have dominated local government for a decade with no Democrat even serving on the Mayor and Council since 2019.

“It’s been eight years since a Democrat has won locally, yet Brian won’t take responsibility for his hundreds, if not thousands of “yes” votes that have urbanized and gentrified Ridge Road with multiple dwellings transforming NA into an extension of Hudson County. He awards himself raises, votes against taxpayers, raises taxes to support his pay hikes while supporting rolling assessments that have homeowners in an uproar,” offered both Balwierczak and Yampaglia.

“I have known Brian my whole life. To blame Democrats for the unbridled overdevelopment of Ridge Road on me, who has never served on the governing body is a bit absurd. I’m a life-long resident. My father served as our judge and my brother as a four-term councilman and public defender. My family is committed to public service and no wild accusations attacking our Governor who just happens to be supportive of my efforts and hopefully we can work together to bring revenue and opportunity to the community such as renovating and restoring the Passaic riverfront along River Road,” offered Yampaglia. 

“The failures of Fitzhenry are his to own up too. To suggest his tax hikes and repetitive pay raises are anyone else’s problem are false. For someone concerned about the facts, he seems to warp a narrative that just isn’t true. Once again we challenge these incumbents to note anything, something they can point to and say they did that. Sadly, the record does not match the rhetoric,” offered the challengers. 

Our slogan promotes our community values and that is to keep North Arlington small, safe and suburban. We are not hand puppets to this entrenched GOP political machine. We endorse responsible two-party government, they do not.”

To learn more about the local Democrats, contact the ticket at (201) 655-8497.