Embedded GOP Councilman Brian Fitzhenry is Becoming a Human Gaffe Machine!

Common Sense? Yes. Aristocrats? No!

Embedded GOP Councilman Brian Fitzhenry is Becoming a Human Gaffe Machine!

NORTH ARLINGTON – Continued online commentary from embedded GOP Councilman Brian Fitzhenry is traveling more and more downhill these days as he continues with his personal attacks on his council opponents and revisionist history of a water utility sale that resulted in millions to North Arlington while saving additional millions in infrastructure maintenance that was the result of GOP mismanagement of the system some twenty years ago.

Less than 5% of all New Jersey municipalities own their water source because they lack the ability to manage and maintain it.

It is the reason why the system was sold.

The sale was detailed in a four-page letter to every resident in the fall of 2004 by the Mayor and Council.

The sale was transparent and a win for taxpayers.

Democrats at the time found a qualified and credible buyer for a deteriorated utility and it resulted in a profitable transaction.

This is the reality of the sale at the time, yet Fitzhenry still harps on this two decades later and refuses to acknowledge the value at the time by a GOP appointed auditor was just a shade above $250,000,” offered John Balwierczak, a candidate for council.

“He is mired in the past. A revisionist past that makes little sense. Maybe because during his time in office he really hasn’t done anything worth repeating.”

With his 2004 council campaign based solely on his opposition to the water utility, Fitzhenry was crushed by Peter C. Massa, 3282-2527 or 755 votes!

Massa would serve as North Arlington’s mayor from 2007-2015.

After being attacked as “unqualified” by the incumbents, Fitzhenry has now coined the phrase “common sense aristocrats” to describe the Democratic challengers.

Balwierczak and Yampaglia are life-long residents and graduates of North Arlington High School.

The candidates were surprised by the latest attack by Fitzhenry, a two-decade local official who will be raising taxes for at least a 10th time as both a school trustee and council member.   

“Brian is getting a bit ridiculous. We agree we are offering common sense solutions to the problems of North Arlington, and hopefully in a bipartisan approach should we be successful. But to describe us as aristocrats is a bit strange and weird. Aristocrats have high social standing, usually with a title attached to their name. The only title we seek is that of council member come January of 2025,” stated the challengers. 

“I am of Polish & Italian descent. My family is from Jersey City and Hoboken. John is of Italian descent. We’re Americans and we’re telling the voters the truth about the urbanization, gentrification, density, rolling assessments and new tax hikes being imposed upon North Arlington residents while both Brian and Allison have awarded themselves a pay raise for the fourth time. Fitzhenry is a chronic tax & spend politician while Sheedy is a double-dipping, public dual jobholder courtesy of taxpayers,” observed Balwierczak.

The Democrats noted that if there is anything “aristocratic,” take a look at the all-Republican Mayor and Council.

There are seven Republicans and zero Democrats or Independents.

North Arlington has become a one-party, GOP monopoly and political monologue.

“No Democrat has won since 2016 and no Democrat has served since 2019, and that was five years ago. An aristocracy is really a form of government that places the power in the hands of a select few with Brian and Allison as part of that privileged club. The North Arlington Mayor and Council has become an exclusive membership for Republicans. An entrenched political machine. They despise responsible two-party government and are doing all they can to prevent the change we hear in the streets and on the doors we knock on. They mock our presence at the Post Office while residents tell us they wouldn’t even know Brian or Allison if they walked into either one of them! Yes. We are the common sense ticket. The team that is based on the proposition of keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban and as the gateway to Bergen County and not an extension of Hudson County. If anyone is entitled, it is the incumbents,” offered Balwierczak.

“And maybe they can explain why they were interfering in Kearny’s municipal election last year only to be politically embarrassed once again.”

To join the campaign, stop by the North Arlington Post Office any Saturday between 9:00 AM and noon to meet the candidates in-person.

For more information, call 201-655-8497.