Like their leader, NA Republicans Fitzhenry & Sheedy are devoid of any proposals or solutions to end the Overdevelopment of Ridge Road, a nightmare they created!                                                                                                        NORTH ARLINGTON – If you watched the “doggy dog” machinations of their MAGA leader Tuesday evening, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why local Republicans are running the most negative campaign in North Arlington’s history.

Here are some things to consider:

Republican leaders personally attacking Democrat John Balwierczak to his neighbors and friends, just across the street from his house!

Placing political signs on lawns without permission or authorization of the property owner only to see them removed!

Calls being made to supporters of the Balwierczak/Yampaglia team for signing their petition to file as candidates in the June Democratic Primary.

Phone calls and inquiries by a Borough Official to have a sign removed from the residence of Democrat John Balwierczak, while Republican signs and flags wave freely of political intimidation and interference.

A refusal to allow the candidates to even identify themselves in the annual Memorial Day parade.

A dilapidated Republican clubhouse in a structure that was scheduled for demolition with signs scattered on a public sidewalk. Another example of rampant overdevelopment on Ridge Road.

And while they hurl attacks and diversion, what is the fate and future of MELRAYS or Boston Market?  For instead of speaking out in defense of their record, accomplishments, votes or proposals, they are mired in a failed past exaggerating and falsely claiming the sale of a utility valued by a Republican appointed auditor at just $257,000 was somehow a bad idea when NA taxpayers received and saved millions on a dilapidated system that deteriorated on their watch!

While Democrats at the time were cutting spending and taxes, decreasing the size of local government and protecting North Arlington from the failed housing scheme known as EnCap, the Republicans were in a political forest led by Brian Fitzhenry who was defeated by nearly 1,000 votes by former councilman and now Bergen County Commissioner Steve Tanelli, who is running on the same ticket and team with council challengers John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia!

And by the way, John Balwierczak was just 13 at the time of the transaction.

In fact Tanelli’s running-mate in his successful council campaigns was Mark Yampaglia, a Rutherford based attorney in 2005, 2008 and 2011.

He is the brother of this year’s council candidate John Yampaglia.

And while this political, negative attack is being planned as of this writing, when will these incumbents answer the questions North Arlington really wants to talk about?

How many apartments have been built on Ridge Road and what is the current vacancy rate?  How many more apartments are scheduled for construction, and how many more will be built on the Belleville Pike and Schuyler Avenue?

What is the economic benefit to build apartments most current residents oppose?

Where is the “return on investment” on apartments that are increasing density, traffic along Ridge Road, and an obvious decrease in residential street parking?

Why are Municipal Taxes increasing when this local government has $4 million in surplus?

Why did this Mayor & Council and specifically Mr. Fitzhenry & Mrs. Sheedy award themselves a pay hike four consecutive times during the COVID-19 pandemic and this period of inflation?

But most importantly, what have Fitzqhenry and Sheedy truly accomplished?

The answer is not much.

In fact, nothing at all!

The only people who oppose legitimate and responsible two-party government are Fitzhenry and Sheedy.

They oppose the proposition of North Arlington being the gateway of Bergen County.

They support the urbanization of North Arlington into an extension of Harrison or Belleville, take your pick!

And no one wants to be another Belleville!

For Democrats are the North Arlington First Team. The team dedicated to the proposition of remaining small, safe and suburban!

This government monopoly of North Arlington has resulted in a endless monologue of lies and political rhetoric.

Democrats oppose the idea of placing area office holders and consultants on the municipal payroll who are consistent campaign contributors to Republican candidates like the incumbents.

Democrats have not accepted a dime of campaign contributions from outside real estate interests such as contractors, builders, developers and real estate agents like Fitzhenry and Sheedy!

Balwierczak and Yampaglia will continue to campaign door-to-door and meet voters on their terms.

One on one.

Conversations, not politics. 

To learn more about the Democrats, contact the campaign at (201) 655-8497.