Little enthusiasm for top or bottom of the GOP ticket, overdevelopment schemes of the incumbents just unpopular with NA voters!

NORTH ARLINGTON – As the 2024 campaign arrives at the top of the proverbial political stretch, Democrats seem to have the wind at their backs while the Republicans are clearly stuck in neutral both in the national and local contests!

As council candidates John Balwierczak & John Yampaglia continue their intensive door-to-door effort, embedded incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy are mired in a campaign without a message or purpose, only promoting loyalty to a Mayor whose name does not appear on the ballot!

In fact the Mayor’s brand is more prominent then these struggling incumbents on their own lawn signs!

Without a message or purpose, the Republicans now attack the locals for meeting and greeting voters.

“What is wrong with speaking to the electorate? Getting to know them and listen to their concerns since the incumbents won’t. Are they now questioning my patriotism as an American? My father was deputized after 9/11 because he was an Operations Examiner and assisted the Port Authority Police in the recovery of those lost,” offered Balwierczak who’s father died in August of 2023.

Here is a copy of a letter of recognition from PATH to John’s father regarding his efforts after the 9/11 tragedy.


For the real question is how low will one go to simply win an election?

And if NA Democrats are successful, the GOP would still have a 4-2 majority to continue to do as they please with an out-of-touch Mayor who seems to be replicating the redevelopment ways of Donald Trump, who tried desperately to saddle North Arlington with over 1,500 units of low income housing known as EnCap, the failed scheme to construct dwellings on dormant garbage dumps, seems just as unpopular as the hundreds of apartment units now on Ridge Road with more to come!

And if these apartments can’t find suitable renters at premium rates, what happens next?

Could low income or Section 8 housing become an alternative to market rate units?

It’s an interesting question since that’s exactly what occurred when EnCap was originally about luxury living at this fictional locale labeled “Arlington Valley,” but it never materialized, and the whole project then became about the volume of units in rentals versus golf courses, townhomes or condominiums.

In the end the scheme collapsed under it’s own weight and eventually led the way for Federal Express, the Porete Avenue delivery facility that was supported by former Mayor Peter Massa (D) and delivered under the late Joseph Bianchi, Massa’s successor as chief executive.

For Massa and Bianchi had a cordial relationship and friendship beyond politics. Something that no longer exists with Republicans holding all seven seats on the governing body.

“The Republicans are supporting policies and proposals with zero resident input. We are the ticket of change and the incumbents represent overdevelopment, more density, increased traffic, decreased street residential parking while abandoning our community values. We are committed to keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban. They want NA to become Belleville. The choice is crystal clear,” noted both Balwierczak and Yampaglia.   

Meet the candidates this Saturday from 9 am to 12 noon at the North Arlington Post Office located at Ridge Park Drive.

For more information about the campaign, call (201) 655-8497.