Very little confidence in the all-Republican Mayor and Council these days when it comes to the overdevelopment of North Arlington!

NORTH ARLINGTON – Speaking to an empty municipal chamber, the Mayor was wondering out loud why no one attends his council meetings?

He made an obvious reference to hard charging Democratic council candidates John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia, who have been campaigning for over a year on the proposition North Arlington is being overrun by apartment dwellings along Ridge Road, with hundreds more planned for the Belleville Pike, River Road and Schuyler Avenue.

And while Democrats have canvassed the entire community twice, the incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy are nowhere to be found! 

The net result of these misguided actions has been increased traffic and stress on essential services, a decrease in residential street parking and a total transformation of Ridge Road into an extension of Hudson County versus maintaining the long held belief that used to be bipartisan, that North Arlington is the gateway of Bergen County and maintaining the notion of being small, safe and suburban wasnever in doubt.

Nevertheless, this second-term mayor and real estate agent who has been retired as a Montclair cop for nearly 15 years due to a “accidental disability,” according to NJ Pensions, seems somewhat agitated that the challengers are in the street, and getting a very receptive response to the one-party practices of his all-GOP governing body.

In other words, the election isn’t going to be another coronation and Democrats could actually win in 2024.

In this call to residents to attend these meetings, what will they learn?

For the issue of overdevelopment is never discussed or mentioned.

What you’ll see are dozens of votes appropriating hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions where everyone votes exactly the same every time.

Call the roll: yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes Mr. Mayor!

For a “no” vote might cause a political aftershock as the six council members led by this GOP Mayor offer little except that “yes” vote on every ordinance, reslution and appointment each and every time!

Instead, this Mayor and Council believe they own the truth, and that any difference of opinion must be ignored, avoided or disregarded as a lie or falsehood!

As said in the past, North Arlington is their town and the rest of us just live here!

For the Mayor seems frustrated by the fact Democrats are campaigning while his incumbents are doing next to nothing with it rumored one of the two has no intention of doing anything at all!

For this is how detached from residents this lopsided majority has become!           

So while the Mayor is obsessed in answers to the questions of this campaign, why not start here:

How many apartment dwellings have been constructed and how many more will be built moving forward?

What has been the effect on traffic along Ridge Road because of these new units and dwellings?

How many more apartments are scheduled for the Belleville Turnpike, River Road and Schuyler Avenue?

Why does this all-Republican council reject the proposition that North Arlington remain small, safe and suburban?

What portion of these apartments could be deemed Section 8 versus market rate units?

Why has this council awarded itself a pay raise four consecutive budgets?

Why is North Arlington trying to become Belleville or Harrison with all of this density?

Is the senior living facility proposed at River Road in a flood zone? What will be the cost of this project?

What is the status of the Italian Villa property and adjoining buildings? Are they scheduled for demolition and does that mean more apartment units?

What will be the fate of MELRAYS and what is the status of Boston Market?

How many home invasions and car break in’s occurred in 2024? Has there been an increase from 2023?

Maybe the two incumbents can take a stab here so the residents of North Arlington won’t feel continually ignored and that there opinion doesn’t matter?

Maybe that’s the reason no one bothers to show up?

For nobody likes a stacked deck or a rigged game.

And maybe these incumbents who are actually on the ballot can respect the process and address the real issues North Arlington really wants to talk about.

Because redevelopment in North Arlington is just overdevelopment, and that’s really a code word for higher property taxes.  

Keep North Arlington small, safe and suburban!

Elect Balwierczak & Yampaglia to the Borough Council on November 5th.

Join the campaign, call (201) 655-8497.