Telling half a story is typical of these MAGA/ENCAP Republicans!

Rampant Overdevelopment is never mentioned and ignored!

Fitzhenry & Sheedy both voted “YES” for higher Property Taxes while awarding themselves pay raises for a fourth consecutive time!

Why are the incumbents against NA remaining Small, Safe and Suburban? 

NORTH ARLINGTON – Telling half the story is better than no story at all, as is the case with North Arlington Republicans Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy who both voted “yes” to increase property taxes while endorsing hundreds of units of new apartments with more to come described as “smart development.”

But smart to whom?

In the latest piece of political propaganda being distributed, the incumbents just ignore the only real issues in this campaign, continued and unbridled apartment overdevelopment now sprinkled with high taxes to boot.

For our retired ex-cop Mayor who serves as a part-time politician and real estate agent, this notion of transforming NA into something it isn’t has become the key issue in this race to elect two Democrats in John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia thus restoring responsible two-party government at the local level.

No Democrat has served on the Mayor & Council since 2019 and no Democrat has been elected since 2016. Incumbents Fitzhenry and Sheedy have not had a serious challenge in a decade!

For what they call a “Renaissance,” is an embarrassing abdication of authority to the out-of-town real estate interests in the form of developers, builders, contractors and consultants all cashing in on the notion of turning North Arlington into an extension of Hudson County versus remaining the gateway to Bergen!

For there is no profit in protecting our community values and remaining small, safe and suburban!

Describing this unbridled urbanization of Ridge Road that is now metastasizing to Schuyler Avenue, River Road and the Belleville Pike is somehow smart, what would these MAGA Republicans led by Pronti, Fitzhenry and Sheedy consider stupid?       

Even more disturbing is the falsehood and outright lie that all of these new dwellings will not have an impact on class sizes is at best wishful thinking, with no evidence bearing out political rhetoric that just isn’t true.

When you increase the overall population, it will add school-age children to our public schools.

That is just the case and when you increase the school district’s pupil population, you impact class sizes and ultimately a need to increase school taxes.

It’s a math they refuse to acknowledge.

Fitzhenry, who voted to raise property taxes in this year’s municipal budget, also increased school taxes nine consecutive times as a member of the North Arlington Board of Education, should acknowledge a spike in students translates to larger class sizes unless you plan to hire more instructional personnel.

To claim no “impact” on schools is just mindless conjecture.                                     

Typical of the rhetoric of this all-Republican Mayor & Council that is squarely behind the candidacy of fellow overdevelopment cheerleader, Donald J. Trump, the engineer of the failed housing scheme known as EnCap that received the support of local Republicans including Kirk Del Russo, a former member of the defunct Redevelopment Authority, real estate agent and current councilman.

This manufactured image of being non-partisan , of not supporting MAGA Republicanism just isn’t true.

For why do they never mention ever their political affiliation and support of Trump?

And what about this promise of senior housing?

No proposal has been made, and no details have been made public, but they already have deemed it done without a shred of information that would address the current flooding that exists at that very location!

And just how much will this cost and who will determine who is selected to live in these senior/veteran units?

Will these units be reserved for current residents?

How do you assume the public will embrace a plan never presented?

And finally, Pronti, Fitzhenry & Sheedy describe this year’s hefty property tax hike as “tax stabilization.”


If property taxes are rising, how are they stable?

If you’re building hundreds of units of new apartments, what is smart about that?   

If you’re patting yourself on the back and awarding yourself a pay raise four consecutive times, who is looking out for taxpayers?

Putting a silk hat on a pig’s head may make for interesting politics, but because you choose to ignore the issue of overdevelopment, density, urbanization, increased property taxes, decreased residential street parking and a sense North Arlington is rapidly changing with no input from residents, what is the point of supporting a so-called Pronti Team that is dedicated to eliminating Democrats from our grass roots democracy?

Make no mistake about it, these are Trump MAGA Republicans out for absolute political power at the expense of the residents of NA.

Afterall, they run North Arlington and you just live here!