You paid for it, so you might as well use it to paper your bird cage or litter box!

Thousands expended on phony newsletter! Some say the cost could be estimated as high as $10,000 per issue.

Embedded incumbency means massive overdevelopment endorsed by Fitzhenry & Sheedy!

NORTH ARLINGTON – Just weeks before a municipal election where the results are clearly in doubt, the all-Republican Mayor & Council just approved the creation and delivery of what appears to be a partisan campaign flyer paid for by taxpayers!

Here we see an unfiltered campaign message from Councilman Brian Fitzhenry (R), touting his resume and background that reads like a political flyer just weeks before his name appears on the ballot on November 5th.

Why are North Arlington taxpayers flipping the bill for this obvious partisan newsletter?

And as covered previously, what was the cost of the design, dimensions and postage?

Sources tell NA today that the cost of this particular mailing sent to every home could be as high as $10,000.

The previous newsletter mailed in the spring was believed to be around the same cost to taxpayers.

Neither Pronti, Fitzhenry or Sheedy will reveal the actual cost of these printed newsletters or the number ordered.

Democrats were critical of what they described as a “highly partisan message promoting Brian Fitzhenry at taxpayer’s expense.”

“The Republicans do whatever they please. They build hundreds of units of apartments and make no mention of that in this phony newsletter that is a waste of money. All of this information could have been easily published online and saved taxpayers this unnecessary cost. Fitzhenry and Sheedy are big shots with tax dollars promoting politics and themselves, not talking about the only issue that matters and that’s higher property taxes and massive overdevelopment,” offered both John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia, the Democrats seeking to oust the embedded incumbents. 

“Will they not admit they raised property taxes? Will they not admit they have voted to construct hundreds of apartments on Ridge Road, waive the height restrictions while creating new density that has increased traffic and decreased residential street parking? That these policies are destroying the notion that North Arlington remain small, safe and suburban? The arrogance knows no bounds because they believe they run North Arlington, and you just live here,” blasted the challengers.

In essence, they don’t mind because you the voter doesn’t matter!

“This is political arrogance at a premium. Spending tax dollars on franked mail that promotes Fitzhenry? They don’t have enough campaign dollars to spare the community this kind of wasteful spending?

Everything here could be communicated in an electronic newsletter that would have cost pennies on the dollar. They choose instead to expend tax dollars on expensive print marketing via snail mail instead. If Fitzhenry had any integrity he would have abstained or voted no on this kind of ridiculous expenditure. Tax dollars are for legitimate government communication and usage. This is another example of the arrogance of embedded one-party government where they literally do as they please and let the public be damned,” observed Balwierczak, who is a lifelong resident and graduate of North Arlington High School.

“Fitzhenry refuses to campaign and now is voting “yes” to approve partisan propaganda promoting his reelection. It’s a complete lack of respect for the voting public.”

“Fitzhenry has voted “yes” dozens of times to build hundreds of apartments nobody supports with hundreds more on the way. He is urbanizing North Arlington into an extension of Belleville or Hudson County, take your pick. Now he voted to raise property taxes and use the same tax dollars to promote himself weeks before an election at the highest possible cost. If that’s not arrogance and an outright disdain for taxpayers, what is? We need responsible two-party government. Seven Republicans all voting yes only serves the special interests of Fitzhenry and Sheedy. Its been 5 years since we had a Democrat watching the store. The time is now for Democrats to represent the residents that have been ignored and forgotten.”             

Meet Balwierczak & Yampaglia any Saturday at the North Arlington Post Office located at Ridge Park Drive from 9 am to 12 noon.

Have a question?

Call the campaign at (201) 655-8497.