What will be done to mitigate the flooding that occurs along River Road before such a project is even considered?

NORTH ARLINGTON – Here is a video of the flooded conditions at River Road after Irene, the exact location for possible senior housing just several hundred feet south!

What is being done to address the flooding that happens at this exact location?

What would happen to seniors if such a facility was constructed and this ongoing flooding issue is not corrected?

Republicans have been promising senior housing for decades!

How much will all this cost?

Who will determine the qualifications for becoming a tenant?

Will this be low income units for non-residents as well?

Is there a preference for NA residents?

Grand promises once again weeks before an election?

We have thousands of seniors in this community that are far more concerned about this year’s tax hike and the overdevelopment of Ridge Road with more to come.

Isn’t this just a pivot, a diversion to what North Arlington really wants to talk about?

And why is North Arlington relying on a retired state bureaucrat that is a consistent campaign contributor to the likes of Fitzhenry and Sheedy and the local Republican Party? 

In fact the consultant is a former GOP candidate for office in neighboring Passaic County.

Why is this being coincidentally and conveniently discussed now, weeks before an election where the incumbents are at risk?

Questions the incumbents won’t dare answer.

Don’t be fooled again North Arlington!

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