Balwierczak & Yampaglia proudly list those elected officials past and present that are supporting the North Arlington First Team!

Thirty Days to go before voters have their say in this battle to keep North Arlington Small, Safe and Suburban!

NORTH ARLINGTON – Democratic council candidates John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia remained in the street, and in front of voters as the final stretch of this municipal campaign to oust embedded incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy, who have enthusiastically voted to construct hundreds of apartment dwellings along Ridge Road with more to come on River Road, the Belleville Pike and Schuyler Avenue.

The incumbents are supporting this unpopular transformation of North Arlington into an extension of Belleville as the community’s long standing principle of being the gateway to Bergen County has been compromised by the endless construction of apartment dwellings coupled by the density and increased traffic along Ridge Road, and the overall decrease in residential street parking implemented by the incumbents.

The Democrats have railed against the two Republicans for raising property taxes in this year’s budget when they didn’t have too, accusing them for sitting on “millions in surplus that should have been used to provide the proper tax relief for seniors and working families on a tight budget.”

“They take the path of least resistance and refused to zero out a tax hike that was unnecessary. Neither Fitzhenry or Sheedy have the courage to standup to Dan Pronti and his tax and spend, tax and build financial schemes. They raised taxes because that was the easiest thing to do. Just vote “yes” as Dan commands! The plethora of overdevelopment is complicated by this property tax hike and the weary homeowner has really had enough,” offered the challengers.

The Democrats are not surprised that the incumbents are AWOL from campaigning because they cannot defend this miserable record of massive overdevelopment and higher taxes.

“Brian Fitzhenry in his capacity as a school trustee and councilman has raised property taxes 9 times. Allison Sheedy is a double-dipping, dual job holding, part-time politician who receives $1,000 a month for attending one meeting! Last year the Republicans had to pay her $500 just to show-up and support her council colleagues on election day. Will she be paid again to participate in her own campaign like last year? They are puppets to the Pronti political machine. Pronti says vote to raise taxes and they reply, how much? The time for responsible two-party representation is now. Seven Republicans all saying yes to everything is not governance. It is mindless machine politics,” noted both Balwierczak and Yampaglia.

The candidates were also proud to be running with responsible running-mates while their opponents are avid supporters of MAGA Republicanism and the antics of Donald Trump, who tried to saddle North Arlington with over 1,500 units of low income housing formerly known as EnCap, the failed proposal to construct golf courses and high rise apartments on dormant garbage dumps and landfills.

Fitzhenry supported Trump as well as EnCap, along with current North Arlington Councilman Kirk Del Russo, a local real estate agent like Mayor Dan Pronti.The Democrats also earned the endorsement today of former Englewood Council President and Bergen County Freeholder (Commissioner), attorney Doug Bern.

Bern served as a Englewood Councilman, Englewood Council President, Bergen County Freeholder (now known as commissioner) Chairman, and sat on numerous business and non-profit boards. He also served as Associate Counsel to the New Jersey Senate for 10 years.

Bern currently represents a number of municipalities and agencies as legal counsel. Bern was pictured today with the candidates as they campaigned at the North Arlington Post Office.

The following individuals and organizations have also endorsed the Balwierczak/Yampaglia team:

US Representative and candidate for the US Senate, Andy Kim

US Representative Josh Gottheimer

New Jersey First Lady Tammy Snyder Murphy

NJ Senator Nellie Pou, candidate for the US House of Representatives to succeed the late Rep. William “Bill” Pascrell

NJ Senator Paul Sarlo

Assemblymember Clinton Calabrese

Assemblymember Gary Schaer

Bergen County Clerk John Hogan

Bergen County Sheriff Anthony Cureton

Bergen County Executive James Tedesco

Hudson County Executive Craig Guy

Bergen County Commissioner Tracy Silna Zur

Bergen County Commissioner and former North Arlington councilmember Steve Tanelli

Dr. Michael Russo, Third Ward Councilmember, City of Hoboken

New Jersey Young Democrats (John Balwierczak)

Bergen County Young Democrats (John Balwierczak)

Former North Arlington Mayor Ed Martone (1979-1983)

Former North Arlington Mayor Peter Massa (2007-2015)

Former Borough Councilman Mark Yampaglia

Former Borough Councilman Patrick Roche

Former Borough Councilman Al Granell

Former Borough Councilman Tom Zammatore

Former Borough Councilman Robert Myers

Former Municipal Judge Emil Yampaglia

Paul Juliano, Chairman of the Bergen County Democratic Committee

Want to meet the candidates?

Contact the campaign at (201) 655-8497.

They will be happy to stop by and speak about the issues you really want to talk about.