North Arlington – If the race for North Arlington Borough Council was a trial by jury, the case against Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy would end in a speedy conviction that would find them both guilty of rampant overdevelopment and raising property taxes all at the same time!

For the facts of this campaign are obvious and evident. It was Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy who approved the construction of hundreds of new apartments along Ridge Road with hundreds more online for Schuyler Avenue, River Road and the Belleville Turnpike! 

They have collectively voted “yes” for more density, urbanization, increased traffic along Ridge Road and decreased residential street parking.

These are the facts and they are undeniable.

They are so undeniable that the incumbents along with their supporters ignore and deny that very voting record!

They simply refuse to acknowledge their actions that have resulted in transforming North Arlington into an extension of Belleville or Hudson County, take your pick!

For if this was a trial, we doubt they would even take the stand in their own defense, as they would have to admit that what has taken place was based on their votes!

That this year’s Property Tax hike was based on their votes and endorsement.

For there are no Democrats to blame.

That dog won’t hunt.

The vote each and every time was 6-0 with Fitzhenry & Sheedy leading the way!

Again, note their actions.

They have decided it is impossible to mount a defense of this miserable record so they hide from public view, refusing to acknowledge or admit what they did in the hopes you’re not watching.

But all you need to do is drive along Ridge Road to see the results of rampant overdevelopment disguised as something described as a Republican renaissance!


Is a renaissance full of empty storefronts and a dilapidated political clubhouse?

Scores of dormant, empty properties scheduled for potential demolition?

Two of the largest parcels on Ridge Road in MELRAYS and Boston Market now vacant?

Ungodly traffic that takes twenty minutes to get from Noel Drive to the Belleville Pike?

So as Pronti desperately tries to divert and pivot with talk of purchasing property on River Road or the utter delusion of senior housing for the hundredth time, when will he or his hand-picked candidates address the only issues that matter which is unbridled overdevelopment and rising property taxes?

Think about it.

What is the point of their reelection campaign?

After ten years in office and no serious opposition, the slogan is “The Pronti Team.”

But what have they done?

What do they plan to do?

Ten years of service and the best they can come up with is that they are pawns for Pronti?


Political pieces on a chessboard?

The only response is to personally attack two candidates that have been engaging and campaigning for a year on the platform of keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban?

Who disagrees with keeping North Arlington like the rest of Bergen County?

Who thinks keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban doesn’t make sense?

And as for raising property taxes, when did that ever solve anything, especially when NA has more than enough money in budget surplus to have avoided this avoidable spike in taxes?

And isn’t this really the reason they have failed to respond or utter a single word?

Do they really want to talk about how they gave themselves generous pay raises four consecutive times or spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on lavish offices for part-time politicians and a council chamber that can’t draw flies?

Do they really want to discuss who is fueling their campaign?

Out-of-town real estate interests consisting of builders, developers, contractors and alike?

Do they want to compare and contrast with Democrats who are running a grass roots campaign that is free of special interest funds?

Democrats who want to restore responsible two-party government?

A thought the Republicans hate and despise?

They hate the thought of a healthy grass roots democracy that includes Democrats and Republicans.

A healthy discussion of the issues where everyone can’t wait to vote “yes” on everything on each and every roll call vote!

They want to eliminate the Democrats once and for all.

For these incumbents represent the worst in petty, machine politics bossed by an individual who demands complete loyalty.

A guy who isn’t like his mayoral predecessors.

For they were born here and placed NA first over the housing schemes of Pronti and his political puppets!

So November 5th the residents of North Arlington will render a verdict.

And that verdict will determine the future of North Arlington for years to come.

If you believe this overdevelopment madness is exactly that, then you have only one choice and that is to put the community over party and elect John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia to the North Arlington Borough Council.

Meet the candidates any Saturday at the North Arlington Post Office located at Ridge Park Drive from 9am to 12 noon.

The candidates will be hosting a “meet and greet” on October 30th at the Arlington Diner beginning at 7pm and light refreshments will be served.

Need a sign for your lawn? Contact the campaign at (201) 655-8497.