While residents want answers on GOP massive overdevelopment, higher property taxes, Pronti plays Bocce Ball.

NORTH ARLINGTON – With three weeks before election day, when will the all-Republican Mayor & Council address the issue of this year’s property tax hike and the explosion of apartment dwellings in the hundreds along Ridge Road with more scheduled for Schuyler Avenue, River Road and the Belleville Pike?

It’s a question that remains unacknowledged and readily ignored as we see the entire Mayor & Council playing bocce ball at the newly installed court at River Road.

While many people may love bocce, is this what is on the minds of voters when you have this urbanization of Ridge Road that has brought additional density and congestion in the form of more traffic, decreased residential street parking and a sense that North Arlington is being transformed into an extension of Hudson County or Belleville, take your pick!

Bocce, sometimes anglicized as bocce ball, bocci, or boccie, is a ball sport belonging to the boules family. Developed into its present form in Italy, it is closely related to English bowls and French pétanque, with a common ancestry from ancient games played in the Roman Empire.

For is this part of the so-called renaissance few taxpayers understand given the plethora of apartments constructed or the fact both MELRAYS and Boston Market, the two largest parcels on Ridge Road are currently empty and dormant to say nothing of the many vacant storefronts as well?

With the exception of the Mayor & Council, no one was seemingly in attendance, much like the Mayor & Council meetings that take place to an empty chamber, seemingly because this all-Republican Borough Council does not listen to the concerns of the public.

“The council meetings have become rant sessions against our campaign and those who fundamentally disagree with the direction imposed by Pronti, Fitzhenry and Sheedy. It is a build baby build mentality that is urbanizing the community and forgetting the fact residents want to remain small, safe and suburban. It’s all politics all of the time and people have really had enough. Whether it be the prospect of senior housing as a credible topic of discussion, the issue is marinated in GOP partisan politics and nothing will actually come of it that makes sense for seniors. What NA seniors want is to stay in their homes, get the tax relief they need to reside in North Arlington and end this expansion of apartment dwellings that lacks any credible support,” noted candidate John Balwierczak, a Chestnut Street resident and graduate of North Arlington High School. 

No matter where we walk, no matter who we speak with, the issue is massive overdevelopment created by the incumbents Fitzhenry and Sheedy.”

Both Balwierczak and Yampaglia are available to stop by your home and discuss the issues important to you.

Contact them by calling (201) 655-8497.