Who is Taking Down Democratic Lawn Signs and Tossing Them Away?

Who is Taking Down Democratic Lawn Signs and Tossing Them Away?

Construction Official attempted to remove a sign from candidate John Balwierczak’s residence, now we see a North Arlington DPW truck with at least two signs in the garbage!

Stealing signs doesn’t change the overdevelopment practices of Fitzhenry & Sheedy!

Democrats remain resilient, pick-up more locations today, added support from even a Republican!

NORTH ARLINGTON – The council campaign of John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia were disturbed to see at least two of their lawn signs removed and placed in the back of a DPW garbage truck Tuesday morning.

Nevertheless, Democrats push forward to a potential victory in three weeks as the Republicans have all but ceased to campaign!

We earlier reported incidents where signs have been mysteriously removed, and that such juvenile activities do not change the results of any election.

“When we saw this we thought at least the DPW could have contacted us and given us back the signs, but that wasn’t the case. Elections can become expensive, and tossing them in the garbage like this shows just how nasty and insensitive the campaign has become. Being treated in this fashion as having the gall to run and compete is something the local Republicans hate and despise,” offered Democrats John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia as they seek to break the GOP stranglehold on municipal government with Republicans currently enjoying a 6-0 majority with a Republican mayor.

No Democrat has served since 2019 and no Democrat has been elected in eight years.

Democrats are running a strong campaign against the massive overdevelopment practices of incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy who have not had a serious challenge in a decade.

Both have voted to construct hundreds of apartment dwellings along Ridge Road with more scheduled for River Road, Schuyler Avenue and the Belleville Pike. These overdevelopment practices by both Fitzhenry and Sheedy have resulted in more traffic, density and congestion while decreasing residential street parking.

In addition, both Fitzhenry and Sheedy voted “yes” to raise property taxes too.

The incumbents have been bold and unapologetic of this unbridled construction no one supports as they are transforming North Arlington into an extension of Hudson County or Belleville, depending on your point-of-view.

Democrats maintaining an acute optimism despite the negative campaigning told NA Today they secured three more sign locations and the support from a registered Republican who wished them well.


The sign locations are pictured here along with the support of the Republican.


“The only reason for ripping down signs is either a hate for the opposition or a fear you are losing. I believe it is a little of both,” offered Balwierczak, a former Republican seeking office for the first time.

“Despite this nonsense, we remain positive, upbeat and convinced we are making real inroads that will result in a sweeping upset on November 5th. Personally these tactics have no place in a small town like NA. There are people who want to bring city politics to our town. We want to keep North Arlington small, safe and suburban.”

Meet the Democrats every Saturday from 9AM till 12 noon at the North Arlington Post Office located at Ridge Park Drive and pick-up a new sign if yours was stolen or damaged.

The Democrats will host a “meet and greet” on Wednesday October 30th at the Arlington Diner beginning at 7PM and all supportive residents are invited to attend.

Light refreshments will be served.

For details, contact the campaign at (201) 655-8497.