A “Clown Car” of Candidates: Trump, Karcic, Bocchino & Cerone!

North Arlington voters are facing a true danger to their local democracy when you consider Donald Trump, the former EnCap cheer leader that nearly bankrupt the community that was embraced by the likes of retired political hack Jimmy Bocchino, in his two previous and unsuccessful campaigns for borough council, and now we have his daughter Donna, another double-dipping patronage employee who just awarded a 19% raise for herself and a 23% raise for daddy Jimmy!
You see Jimmy boy is the campaign chair of Donna’s campaign, and her mother and his wife is the campaign treasurer.
It’s “All in the Family” when it comes to North Arlington Republican politics.
And North Arlington Republicans depend on Jimmy B to raise money for his daughter’s campaign.
Even Mayor Dan Pronti credits Jimmy for the money he raises.
But the candle on this cake is the “bozo” candidacy of Joe Cerone, the son of a former GOP mayor who was crushed for reelection after an embarrassing four-year term is now running for a seat on the local board of education even though he doesn’t have a stitch of resume or record that suggests how he could somehow improve public education here in North Arlington!
The Cerone candidacy is being supported by Pronti, Karcic and Bocchino, no matter how terrible a school board trustee he would make!

Even Councilwoman Allison Sheedy, another puppet of the Pronti/Bocchino political machine and school board employee is now supporting this political misfit and Tea Party gadfly!
It’s not enough already they have a stranglehold monopoly on the Mayor and Council with no Democrats, now Pronti has set his sights on stacking the school board with an obvious, unqualified partisan that will threaten the progress of this struggling school district!
For Cerone is a “Make America Great” fraud, a hard-hearted partisan that has been embarrassing local Republicans with his Election Day antics for decades!

In Karcic and Bocchino, you not only have elected officials practicing nepotism at taxpayer’s expense, but they are “urbanizing” Ridge Road into an extension of Hudson County with the proliferation of hundreds of new apartments that are increasing traffic and gentrifying our community into a sad tale of two communities with a revolving door of transient residents with no real stake or investment in North Arlington’s future!
Not only have they approved hundreds of new units, but this same scheme is now set for River Road as well and sources tell us that the Italian Villa and Boston Market locations are next up for six-story apartments which will make way for low income housing!

Local Democrats have nominated two life-long residents in John Yampaglia and Tom Bradley.
Yampaglia is the son of retired municipal judge Emil Yampaglia and the brother of former councilman Mark Yampaglia, a local attorney with offices in Rutherford.
John owns a successful hair salon in Essex County and is a former member of the borough’s planning board.

Running-mate Tom Bradley is a former high school basketball and baseball standout who played Division 1 baseball at Virginia Commonwealth (VCU) and a 1,000 point scorer during his days at Queen of Peace HS. A homeowner, husband, father and recreation advocate, Tom has been coaching our kids for the last decade while conducting his own baseball camps for NA’s kids.
John and Tom believe in North Arlington and the values we cherish like remaining as a community: small, safe and suburban.
Trump, Karcic, Bocchino and Cerone fly in the face everything North Arlington represents and stands for and we need to elect Joe Biden as well as John Yampaglia and Tommy Bradley for Borough Council.
Too much is at stake to do otherwise.
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