Because Joe Just Doesn’t Know

Tenure on the North Arlington Board of Education needs to be reserved for the competent and qualified, not political hacks of either the Republican or Democratic Parties.
We need willing volunteers who possess a specific skill set in public education, finance, collective bargaining, curriculum and the ability to put forth an educational vision that elevates the North Arlington school district.
With just a five-member board, North Arlington cannot afford an accident like Joe Cerone take space and be a three-year remedial project taxpayers, parents and kids just can’t afford.

There is a danger this board can become dysfunctional and not functional with the presence of a Tea Party fanatic and Donald Trump loyalist like Mr. Cerone.
North Arlington almost didn’t survive the last time Donald Trump stuck his nose in the community with his unabashed revival of the failed and flawed EnCap housing scheme in which “The Donald” supported the construction of more than 1,500 units of high density, low income housing in the Meadowlands that nearly wrecked any chance of responsible redevelopment.
Local Republicans like James “Jimmy” Bocchino, Brian Fitzhenry, Kirk Del Russo and Cerone blindly followed Trump into the swamps of the Meadowlands only to see the project seep into bankruptcy sparing North Arlington from the largest housing debacle in state history.
For Donald Trump is doing to America what he tried to do for North Arlington.
And Joe Cerone supports him every step of the way.

A so-called, self-described businessman with no actual platform or agenda, Cerone is really a political plant for Mayor Dan Pronti and the GOP Borough Council.
Pronti, in his desire and lust for more political power is willing to place the entire school district in jeopardy to satisfy his massive ego, his big fish in a small pond mentality.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.
For what does Cerone or Pronti know about SAT scores, special education, curriculum development, English as a Second Language (ESL); teacher/student ratios, tenure, school transportation, administrative costs, guidance counseling, or the other myriad of issues and challenges this school district faces each and every day?

For Donald Trump believes “privatizing” public education is somehow a good idea.
That decimating public school funding is a good idea with no understanding that a dysfunctional school district that would place an extremist agenda first and would decrease property values here in North Arlington, and who thinks that’s a solution to any problem facing our kids?
For it is obvious that campaigning is what Joe does.
Riding around with signs on a truck every political cycle is the obsession of this perennial campaign worker of the GOP.
He thinks because his father served as mayor some forty-two years ago he somehow qualifies for public service and that just isn’t the case when most people believe Ernie Cerone was probably the worst mayor in North Arlington history who was crushed for reelection by a nearly 2-1 margin!
Unfortunately in this case, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
For year after year Cerone seeks conflict on Election Day, fighting with anyone who is not a subscriber of his right-wing, extremist political agenda!
In lieu of the COVID-19 crisis, where is the Cerone agenda in safely opening public schools or having anything to offer when it comes to future construction and renovation of our school facilities?
For what does he really know?
A phony conservative, has Cerone even examined the 2020-21 operating budget and what recommendations or insight can he offer voters other than the usual empty rhetoric of a Republican who has never served a single second in elective or appointed office?
Just how many school board meetings has he attended?
Other than being plucked out of obscurity by Dan Pronti, why is “Bozo” Joe running for the North Arlington Board of Education?
And when it comes to school taxes and spending, what will Cerone trim, cut or eliminate?
Has he even reviewed a single line item in the current budget?
Can he or his gadfly running-mate make any serious suggestions or recommendations regarding the spending practices of the North Arlington school district?
Sadly the answer is just no.
Anyone can print signs, place them on a truck and throw gas on the fire of a political campaign.
Throwing rocks from the sidelines is what this clown does best for he has never governed or managed anything the size and scope of a school district with some 2,000 kids and $25,000,000 in annual spending!
For Joe just doesn’t know and never will!
Politicizing a school district and trying to turn it into patronage cesspool is not governance.
The North Arlington school district is going to become the political playground of the local Republican Party unless you reject Joe Cerone and his antics come Tuesday, November 3rd.
ABC, anyone but Cerone!
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