Balwierczak, Yampaglia, Tanelli and Zur seeking sign locations from supporters!

NORTH ARLINGTON – With just 90 days to go till the general election, there is an anticipated “Big Blue Wave” of support for council candidates John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia, coupled with Bergen County Commissioners Steve Tanelli and Tracy Zur which have local Democrats excited and enthusiastic for an upset win!While Tanelli and Zur are sporting “Bergen Blue,” the locals have gone with “Viking Blue,” as a reminder both Balwierczak and Yampaglia are graduates of North Arlington High School!

Both Tanelli and Zur are seeking a record fifth term. Elected in 2012, they were easily reelected in 2015, 2018 and 2021.    Tanelli, a former North Arlington Recreation Director, Councilman and Acting Mayor has been a fixture in politics since 2004 when he defeated current GOP incumbent Brian Fitzhenry, a proponent of rolling assessments, this year’s Municipal Tax hike and ardent supporter of the density and urbanization taking place on Ridge Road with the unbridled construction of apartment dwellings now expanding to Schuyler Avenue and the Belleville Turnpike.

Tanelli was elected to an unexpired council term in 2004 and reelected in 2005, 2008 and 2011. He is one of just four North Arlington residents to serve at the county level and the only Democrat.

The others were former Bergen County Clerk and North Arlington Mayor Alexander Allan, former mayor, sheriff and the first Bergen County Executive, William McDowell, and former freeholder and the Borough’s longest serving Mayor, Leonard R. Kaiser.

Those interested in a Tanelli/Zur lawn sign can contact him directly at [email protected] and for a locals sign, contact John Balwierczak by phone at 201-655-8497.

The local Democrats are running under the slogan, “North Arlington First,” and their goal is to retain the community’s longtime character as the gateway to Bergen County, not an extension of Hudson.

“We are running on the premise of responsible two-party government, to keep North Arlington small, safe and suburban. To end rolling assessments, unnecessary tax hikes and pay raises for part-time elected officials while Fitzhenry and Sheedy are sitting on a huge surplus of revenue in this current budget,” offered both Balwierczak and Yampaglia.     

To meet the candidates, come to the North Arlington Post Office located at Ridge Park Drive any Saturday between now and Election Day from 9-12 noon.

There you can speak with them about the issues you really care about, register to vote or secure a sign for your home.         

“We are running a clean, issue-oriented race. This is a message of optimism and good will. Fitzhenry and Sheedy are out-of-touch, in too long and it’s time for them to go,” offered the challengers.