Brave resident informs council candidate Balwierczak Borough employees are removing Democratic Signs from lawns.
NORTH ARLINGTON – Is the North Arlington Department of Public Works allowed or authorized to remove political lawn signs from homes that support the surging campaign of Democrats John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia?
Democrats are checking with lawyers to see what their options are as this campaign to wrest away two seats from embedded GOP incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy, who haven’t had to campaign for reelection in a decade, are drenched in the delusion they will be easily reelected this November 5th!
For a pattern has developed in this campaign spearheaded by GOP political boss Dan Pronti, to squelch democracy and permanently end competitive elections at the local level.
For North Arlington Borough Hall has become “Tammany Hall,” as this political monopoly of seven Republicans and zero Democrats is clearly at risk!
Consider the following:
The Borough’s Construction Official tried to remove a sign from the home of Democrat John Balwierczak only to be turned away due to the negative backlash by the public.
A DPW truck seen here with torn up campaign signs that were mysteriously removed and no one will step forward and acknowledge this action.
The NAPD came to the Post Office on Saturday morning, three officers, and two squad cars that threatened action against the two candidates for simply exercising their constitutional right of free speech and assembly including the 89-year old Democratic Chairman, a US Army veteran, 48-year homeowner & widower, and former member of the NA planning, zoning and library boards as well as a member of the security detail of the New Jersey Senate and past commander of the Lyndhurst AMVETS! Democrats have been tabling at this exact location for decades, long before Dan Pronti even lived in North Arlington. Pronti was seen driving past the so-called scene of the crime several times. The newly appointed Chief of Police was called apparently on his day off to mediate this political circus created by the Republicans! Highly respected and regarded by the community, who demanded the Chief’s presence by this manufactured political side show? Why is this public safety professional being dragged into this street fight?
MAGA Trump flags have been flying for months and not one of these individuals were contacted for any alleged, illegal displays.
GOP signs posted on the sidewalk at that dilapidated slum of a political clubhouse just south of the now dormant and vacant Italian Villa, that is reportedly going to be torn down for even more apartment units now in the hundreds on Ridge Road, with hundreds more on the way for Schuyler Avenue, River Road and the Belleville Pike.
For is this just political punishment by the gutter politics of a Mayor not from North Arlington, who seems to suffer from a Napoleonic personality and lashes out against anyone daring to challenge his authority or failed status quo?
He has assembled a Borough Council of political misfits, mindless followers who lack the character or courage to challenge his authority as a part-time mayor and real estate agent who has turned the Republican brand into nothing but a wholly owned subsidiary of out-of-town real estate interests including developers, lawyers, engineers, builders and political operatives that are benefiting from the massive overdevelopment practices of this arrogant, and unhinged political machine!
But don’t take our word, look-up the campaign reports filed with ELEC, the state agency that oversees political contributors and expenditures.
For who would send or summons the NAPD for something Democrats have harmlessly practiced for decades without incident ever?
Where are the complaints by the public?
Those who stop by the Post Office to mail a letter or pick-up a package?
Who would go to these lengths to eliminate our grass roots democracy and the ability for the public to meet their neighbors who happen to be candidates for public office?
Only those who feel their power slipping, or the possibility of an impending loss at the polls, or backlash by residents who oppose these senseless overdevelopment practices that are urbanizing North Arlington into an extension of Hudson County would stoop to these lengths to sabotage the process of engaging the public!
And where is Fitzhenry and Sheedy?
Their silence and fear of Pronti is obvious and evident.
They are puppets.
Political pawns on this MONOPOLY board known as North Arlington!
Instead of transparency and explaining to residents the future of the Italian Villa parcel, or MELRAYS, or even Boston Market, all vacant and dormant, the real problem in North Arlington are the two John’s handing out flyers and stress balls to a weary and exhausted electorate kept in the dark for far too long?
Ten years is too long for any political party to have absolute power absolutely.
This kind of nonsense needs to stop and the Republican Party here in North Arlington are not the sign police and they don’t determine where Democrats can greet voters like they have for decades.
Join the Democrats this Saturday at the NA Post office from 9AM to 12 noon located at Ridge Park Drive, or stop by the Arlington Diner on Wednesday, October 30th beginning at 7:00 PM and light refreshments will be served.
For details, call the campaign at (201) 655-8497.