Embedded Incumbents Fitzhenry & Sheedy are nothing but “yes” votes for rolling assessments, higher property taxes and the unbridled construction of multiple dwelling apartments that voters absolutely oppose!

NORTH ARLINGTON – NA Today has learned that an “issues related” poll has been in the field gaging voter sentiment on the current state of NA and apparently the news isn’t good for incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy who are seeking reelection come the fall campaign.

While apparently no “head-to-head” question was asked, questions were about issues such as municipal taxes, quality-of-life concerns and the current state of Ridge Road as it relates to the continued construction of apartment dwellings were surveyed.

Local Democrats confirmed they did not poll, but are asking voters to complete surveys to gage resident sentiment regarding overdevelopment, gentrification, increased density and traffic and the proliferation of apartment dwelling construction on Ridge Road with more to come as proposals are on the drawing board for Belleville Pike and Schuyler Avenue.

Democratic council candidates John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia, insurgent challengers that have conducted a strong door-to-door hunt for support since the summer of 2023 gathered over 300 signatures to gain ballot access in the June Primary.

That number of signatures was the highest of any municipal candidate in all of Bergen County.

Balwierczak and Yampaglia have adopted the slogan the “North Arlington First” team to end the partisan domination of the current Mayor & Council that has seven Republicans and no Democrats.

No Democrat has won locally since 2016 when attorney Mark Yampaglia and Jean Williams defeated Republican incumbents Mario Karcic and Richard Hughes.

Democrats won despite the fact Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton for the presidency

North Arlington voters historically have been ticket-splitters and the same is expected this year as Bergen County Commissioner Steve Tanelli, a former councilman and acting mayor will be on the ballot seeking reelection to a record fourth term. Balwierczak and Yampaglia are running together with the popular incumbent who fought the controversial EnCap project that ironically was supported by the former President

Balwierczak and Yampaglia for months have indicated in their canvassing that the current overdevelopment of Ridge Road is a loser with residents.

“There is a clear, concise and absolute difference of opinion between our ticket and the incumbents. We have adopted the long held belief that NA remain small, safe and suburban. We subscribe to the proposition that North Arlington remain the gateway of Bergen County while our opponents have flip-flopped, and believe North Arlington should become urbanized and an extension of Hudson County. They don’t refute the accusation because it is true,” offered Balwierczak who left the Republican Party because of this failure to protect North Arlington’s character and values.   

“Fitzhenry and Sheedy believe in the overdevelopment practices of Belleville in Essex County, not the suburban landscape of a Lyndhurst, Rutherford or Hasbrouck Heights.”

The candidate was blunt in his assessment of the campaign to come.

“They want to attack me personally. They believe trying to humiliate me and John is the path to reelection. What they don’t understand is that their voting record of supporting overdevelopment and higher taxes due to rolling assessments is highly unpopular. We have knocked on thousands of doors and met hundreds of voters and we have yet to meet a single individual who even know the incumbents or support this miserable record that is probably being reflected in this survey of voters,” observed Balwierczak, a life-long resident and graduate of North Arlington High School where he played varsity basketball.

Balwierczak is running as a full-time candidate.

“Public service is important and I want to make an impact. My opponents see this as a negative, but voters embrace the idea of someone working hard as an independent voice for taxpayers, homeowners and tenants alike,” observed Balwierczak.

“I’ll take the heat and the incoming wrath. They hate what our campaign represents and that’s freedom of choice and a rejection of the GOP status quo.”

According to sources, the survey was recently completed and the results bode well for the Democrats as being on message with voters in a presidential cycle where the turnout could be as high as 75%.

Balwierczak & Yampaglia are conducting a survey of their own, and any resident can participate if they call the candidates at (201) 655-8497.

“We want to collect hundreds of voter surveys and we will post the results online for any resident to inspect and review. We ask residents to participate, and we will be walking again on August 1st,” offered the insurgents.

The Democrats believe the issues are on their side and the one-year head start in voter engagement will yield benefits come the fall campaign.

“There is a reason the incumbents are not campaigning. What are they going to talk about? How they have increased traffic and density, decreased street parking while increasing Municipal Taxes? Are they going to tell residents how they voted to give themselves a raise four consecutive times? Talk about the Taj Mahal style offices they built for part-time elected officials? The promotions and pay raises for their partisan friends on the municipal payroll? Are they going to look at residents with a straight face and blame Democrats when not a single Democrat has won a local election in 8 years? Will they dare state they don’t support unbridled construction of apartment dwellings along Ridge Road with more to come? Will the Italian Villa property be demolished and made way for more apartments? What is the future of the MELRAYS property? And what about the closing of Boston Market? North Arlington needs responsible two-party government. Enough is enough and the residents are on our side,” offered the Democratic council duo

If any resident participated in the survey, contact us at [email protected]

“We have run a respectful and optimistic campaign. We hear our opponents will run a wildly negative campaign attacking personalities on and off the ballot. That’s fine. We expect that. But how come neither Fitzhenry or Sheedy have offered a single accomplishment after a decade of service? Why won’t they list their accomplishments? Mrs. Sheedy is actually proud of the fact she offers nothing to voters. That elections are somehow a burden and distraction. They seem to believe through their actions that voters don’t matter. That what residents think is some annoyance to be ignored. If nothing else, we will offer open communication to taxpayers and we are not beholden to the numerous builders, developers and other real estate interests that fuel the Fitzhenry/Sheedy campaign,” offered Balwierczak.

“I would rather be on our side of the aisle versus the local Republicans. They are politically oblivious and there will be a wake-up call on November 5th,” offered the candidate.

“Thankfully, it will be too late to save this sinking ship.”