Longtime 9th District Representative Receives Token Primary Challenge, Has Solid Support of NA Democrats


Congressmen Tom Suozzi (D-NY) and Jamie Raskin (D-MD) head long list of Pascrell supporters Tuesday evening!


GARFIELD – Democrats here in North Arlington, understanding the need to have allies at all levels of government are enthusiastically endorsing the reelection of US Congressman William “Bill” Pascrell, who has successfully represented the community in the House of Representatives since 2013.


The popular Paterson native is well liked in the halls of congress having served since 1997 when he defeated one-term GOP incumbent William Martini. A contingent of North Arlington Democrats displayed their support for Pascrell, who has token opposition in the June Democratic Primary and in all likelihood will face perennial candidate Billy Prempeh, who has the endorsement of GOP incumbent council members Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy.


This is the third time Prempeh is challenging the veteran Pascrell.


Democrats were disturbed by the local Republicans who refuse the hard work and accomplishments of the fourteen-term incumbent.


“Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy have no real record of accomplishment because they refuse to work with elected officials at the county, state and federal levels. North Arlington is an island to itself because politicians like Brian and Allison place partisan politics over sensible public policy. How can you get things done when you have no partners at the various levels of government that can secure North Arlington dollars and resources? The time for North Arlington to build bridges, alliances and allies is critical to successful local governance,” offered the council challengers.


“Is it any wonder big ideas here in North Arlington never amount to anything but talk? Instead politicians like Brian and Allison are transforming North Arlington into a sea of traffic, density, rolling assessments and a plethora of apartment dwellings along Ridge Road no one wants or supports. They laugh at the notion of keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban,” charged the two Democratic challengers.


“Should we be successful we will work with Rep. Pascrell, the Bergen County Executive, the Bergen County Board of Commissioners as well as our legislative team that represents us in Trenton to ensure North Arlington receives funding that we need when it comes to capital improvements and other long-term goals and objectives,” noted both Balwierczak and Yampaglia.

Tonight the two candidates were endorsed by Bergen County Commissioner Tracy Silna Zur, who is seeking her fifth, three-year term and is the running-mate of North Arlington resident Steve Tanelli. All four are running together in the Democratic column come the June 4th Primary and will all run together in the November general election.


Zur, a life-long Bergen County resident is a graduate of the University of Texas and earned her law degree from Fordham University. Zur also has a Master’s in Public Administration from Rutgers.


Also in attendance tonight were two key members of the US House of Representatives, Tom Suozzi (D-NY), and Jamie Raskin (D-MD).

Suozzi, a graduate of Boston College and the Fordham School of Law serves New York’s 3rd Congressional District and won a special election earlier this year replacing disgraced Republican George Santos. Suozzi defeated Santos for a second time after crushing him in 2020 by a margin of 12 points.

Suozzi is an effective and popular elected official who served as Mayor of Glen Cove for four terms as well as Executive of Nassau County and Governing Magazine recognized him for his many accomplishments in office.

Jamie Raskin serves as the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee from Maryland’s 8th Congressional District. A former Maryland state senator from 2007-2016, Raskin is a professor of constitutional law at American University and represented third-party presidential candidate H Ross Perot in his bid to participate in the 1996 presidential debates. A graduate of Harvard University and Harvard Law, Raskin is also a member of the House Democratic Leadership where he serves as a Senior Whip.


Former North Arlington two-term mayor, council member, and current BCUA Commissioner Peter C. Massa was also in attendance as well as several members of the North Arlington Democratic Committee including longtime Municipal Chairman, Nick Antonicello.


To join the council campaign here in North Arlington, contact Balwierczak at (201) 655-8497.