Candidate covers his block and neighborhood with an unprecedented display of lawn signs, only confirming an upset is possible for NA Democrats.  

NORTH ARLINGTON – Labor Day weekend officially kicks off the general election season, but few people expected the show of support for a first-time candidate like John Balwierczak and his running-mate, John Yampaglia.

Earlier in the week there was a mysterious and strange visit by the Republican Mayor along with four members of the Borough Council canvassing Balwierczak’s very block, and literally across the street from his home after sunset.

Sources tell NA Today that several properties saw GOP signs placed apparently without permission or authorization and were mysteriously removed.

Balwierczak, who has been campaigning for over a year, called the canvassing by the Republicans “a stunt that has no legs.”

“There is probably pressure in their ranks to do something, to say something. But what are they going to do? Say they oppose the very overdevelopment they created in the first place? That they didn’t endorse hundreds of apartment dwellings with more to come? That they don’t endorse rolling tax assessments opposed by most homeowners? That they didn’t award themselves pay hikes four years running? That this year’s municipal tax hike could not have been avoided by applying just a portion of that bloated and unnecessary surplus to bring down the tax rate?

Balwierczak, despite this organically grown support among neighbors and friends says there is so much to do with so little time.

“Overdevelopment is the single largest issue to hit the community between the eyes since the days of the failed housing scheme known as EnCap. The Republicans paid politically then and the same will happen with this proliferation of apartment dwellings along Ridge Road as well.”

“I’m not a spectator and being a candidate squares me in the center of things. I am a target of the Fitzhenry/Sheedy effort that is fueled by the GOP political machine. They will be spending tens of thousands of dollars to discredit my efforts and the notion North Arlington is not under attack by the overdevelopment practices of my opponents. It comes down to this, we oppose gentrification and they encourage it. We oppose the density, increased traffic and lack of street residential parking while they are imposing their will on residents fueled by developers, builders and other real estate interests that are transforming North Arlington into an extension of Hudson and Essex counties.”.             

“Have you ever heard a single North Arlington resident say that they want to become Belleville versus being the gateway of Bergen County? The answer is no.”

The Democrats will concentrate their efforts on canvassing beginning on Tuesday and have invited new congressional candidate, Senator Nellie Pou (D-35) to join them on the campaign trail.

The Democrats will be tabling at the North Arlington Post Office every Saturday between 9-12 noon located at Ridge Park Drive. Stop by and ask questions, register to vote or take part in a community survey.

For more information about the campaign or secure a lawn sign for your home, call the campaign at 201-655-8497.