Apparent Republican in-fighting forced her off the ticket!
NORTH ARLINGTON – While local Democrats John Balwierczak and Cengiz Sever safely secured their nominating petitions with the Borough Clerk last week with approximately 109 signatures, the GOP has yet to file with sources telling NA Today that incumbent Councilwoman Lynette Cavadas will not seek reelection and will be replaced by newcomer Amanda DeCicco.
According to sources, Republicans were soliciting signatures this weekend to secure their place on the June Primary ballot come the Monday filing deadline.
Rumored for weeks that Cavadas would not be a candidate, she did not attend the March meeting of the Borough Council and apparently De Cicco was in the audience observing the proceedings.
Cavadas has served as a Republican member of the North Arlington Borough Council. Her involvement in local government includes working on issues that affect the community, with a focus on improving the borough and representing the interests of its residents. Republicans control all six seats and Democrats have not served on the council since 2019.
In addition to her role in politics, Cavads has a background in fitness and coaching, as well as a professional profile indicating work in various community-related fields. She has also been involved in local events and has a presence on social media where she promotes her coaching services.
Democrats were asked to comment on the removal of Cavadas from the Republican ticket.
“I always had the upmost respect for Lynette, and I wish her well. The North Arlington Republican Party is controlled by Dan Pronti. What he says goes. I’m a lifelong resident and graduate of North Arlington High School. Being a Viking has nothing to do with being a Republican or Democrat. Pronti is a political boss who believes he runs NA and the rest of us just live here,” offered John Balwierczak, the Democratic hopeful.
Balwierczak believes Pronti’s unpopular rolling tax assessments will be the overriding issue in the campaign with Republicans supportive and Democrats opposed.
“The issues will not change or be resolved by Amanda. Is she fine with the urbanization of Ridge Road? The increased traffic and congestion thanks to the massive overdevelopment policies of her running-mate and this administration? What about the rolling assessments? Is she comfortable running with someone who was a puppet for EnCap and Donald Trump’s failed fantasy of garbage dumps to golf courses? Is she independent of the status quo, the overdevelopment we see on Ridge Road, Schuyler Avenue, River Road and the Belleville Turnpike? Does she support the demolition of the Italian Villa property for more apartments? Where does she stand on MELRAYS or Boston Market, both empty and dormant,” noted the Democratic challenger.
“Maybe this year the Republican council candidates will speak for themselves and explain these unpopular tax assessments that are squeezing residents. Why is she running? The time for responsible two-party government is now.”