Cengiz Sever: Democratic Candidate for North Arlington Mayor a Fiscal Conservative who puts Taxpayers First!

Cengiz Sever

EDITORS’ NOTE: Mr. Cengiz Sever was recently injured and broke four ribs and three bones in his right foot which will prevent him from walking door to door. He also broke his collar bone in which his surgery was successful. Sever is running for North Arlington Mayor with his son Kerim who is seeking a seat on the Borough Council. The candidate noted he was “recovering quickly” and wanted to let residents know his current physical status.

North Arlington 2022 ElectionNORTH ARLINGTON – In his uphill battle to become North Arlington’s next mayor, Cengiz Sever is pragmatic and optimistic despite recent injuries which will prevent him from campaigning door to door.

“I’m recovering quickly,” noted the first-time hopeful and father of three.

The Democratic candidate is 50 years old and is a homeowner, taxpayer, husband and father.

Originally from Brooklyn, New York where he graduated from Lafayette High School, Cengiz has three children with his wife (two boys and a girl) and is employed as a journeyman tile installer with Local #7 located in New York.

He has been married for the last 23 years.

Local 7 is a Mega Local that was established by the merger of several individual BAC Allied Crafts into one autonomous unit. The stunning and artisan work at Museums, Schools, Libraries, Transportation Centers and Condominium Projects was probably completed by members of Local 7.

Marble is the cutting, carving, drilling and setting of interior marble and/or stone at the job site.  Marble Restoration is the patching, restoration, cleaning and polishing of all marble, stone or similar material after installation is completed in the building.

Dating back to ancient Greece, the world was first given the glimpse of the artistic beauty that can be created through marble. Today, marble graces a variety of both commercial and residential locations with the same durability and beauty first displayed thousands of years ago.

Marble is resistant to moisture and makes cleaning an easy task. It’s naturally resistant to bacteria and allergens commonly found in carpeting such as pet dander, dirt, and pollen. While not stain-proof, marble is quite stain resistant to liquids such as wine. Marble is practical and beautiful.

It comes in various color designs, polish, and it’s a natural stone. While a higher end option for owners, marble provides a stunning and exquisite appearance with a durability that makes its lifelong return oninvestment difficult to match.

While the marble work Cengiz does is difficult, he finds his trade and craft rewarding and is a proud union member and registered Democrat.

A North Arlington resident since 2004, Cengiz views the community as family friendly, but the cost to live here has almost doubled in the form of property taxes on his home which is a concern to him and his family.

“The Mayor & Council are responsible for town spending, and approving developments in our town,” noted the candidate as he questioned if these projects, particularly on Ridge Road are cost effective and if such projects will help in lowering the cost of local government moving forward.

“River Road has areas that flood, but the current leadership believes in the construction of senior housing for River Road,” offered the Democrat.

“If the area did flood, would first responders have any difficulty,” questioned the mayoral hopeful.

“We need to think of where we develop and remember not to overburden our town resources that we must provide and pay for. Just what are our plans for the future? Are we exploring in solar, and take of programs available,” questioned Sever.

The candidate noted he sold his family car, which was a Mercedes Benz for a Tesla Model 3, in an effort to reduce costs and has installed solar panels on his residence in an effort to control his own family expenditures.

Cengiz noted he will be fiscal watch dog always seeking ways to save tax dollars for homeowners.

The candidate was critical of the pay raises the all-Republican Mayor & Council awarded themselves in these tough times coming out of COVID-19 and believes a balance is required here in the community in terms of political representation. Currently zero Democrats are on the governing body despite the fact there are more registered Democrats than Republicans.

Sever opposes raises for elected officials in these difficult times.

Sever believes North Arlington should remain small, safe and suburban, which was one of the reasons he selected the community to relocate and raise his family.

“Costs have doubled, but services have resulted in no real change. We need to plan for tomorrow when spending today,” noted Sever.

“Developing all available land should not be a priority, planning for the future and lowering costs should be the only priority,” noted the candidate who is also concerned about this commitment to urbanizing North Arlington, especially along Ridge Road with more rental units and additional housing stock.

Sever is optimistic about the North Arlington community and reminded all residents regardless of their differences to “love thy neighbor and this will be the best town in the country.”

If you have a question for Cengiz Sever, you can e-mail him at severc16@gmail.com

North Arlington Democratic leader Nick Antonicello applauded Sever and his son’s effort to offer voters a choice in this election for local office.

“Our community deserves choices and answers to the fundamental questions that face homeowners and taxpayers. Because of COVID-19 we have lost that dialogue and discussion and these two individuals want to ensure we have such a conversation. Our community has become an island politically speaking and having Democrats elected locally will help our community secure the support and funding that is available at the county, state and federal levels, especially in the area of senior housing. We are asking voters to bring back responsible two-party government and consider our team as a viable alternative to an all-Republican majority that simply does not represent a large segment of North Arlington. Having a healthy mix of Democrats and Republicans will offer all residents greater transparency and open local government,” offered Antonicello.

Any North Arlington resident who is displeased with the current Republican monopoly is asked to contact Antonicello at (201) 937-4277 or via e-mail at nantonicello@aol.com.

Democrats will be greeting voters on Saturday mornings at the Post Office and if you would like sign for your property, please contact the campaign.

Antonicello noted no Democrat has been elected locally since 2016 and no Democrat has been on the council since 2020.

“Let’s offer voters a choice. Our democracy demands a vibrant and active two-party government.”