Civility Matters
Placing petty politics aside is necessary for our community and country to inspire and thrive.
Winning and losing and right and wrong are not the same.
The passing of Arizona US Senator John McCain this weekend was an expected tragedy.
In politics as in life we need to take the high road to bring a community or country together.
The reaction to the loss of Senator McCain, a genuine war hero and patriot in every way should have been an opportunity to for this White House to display leadership, dignity and basic common courtesy.
For whatever reason, that did not occur.
Instead, we witnessed a badly botched and embarrassing reaction that is unacceptable based on the public service of this US Senator, former Congressman, POW, Father, Husband and Naval Academy graduate & Aviator!
Like Frank Sinatra, John McCain did it his way.
There are few people with the leadership qualities, skill set, courage and boldness of a John McCain.
In his book, “Faith of My Fathers,” McCain told the lessons learned from his grandfather and father, and how their examples enabled him to survive captivity, adversity and failure.
It is probably incomprehensible to most being a POW for over 5 years and surviving, much less coming home and thriving as an elected official that would twice seek the presidency of the United States.
With that all said; why was the reaction by the White House so unfair and wrong?
What made John McCain’s public service so unique and memorable is that he placed country over party and public policy over politics.
If one ever needs someone to emulate in elected public service, it is Senator John McCain.
Is Senator McCain perfect?
Of course not, but his overall accomplishments and successes far outweigh any flaws in his persona and public image.
And being independent is important and his public service is memorable.
Here in North Arlington we lost former Councilman Jim Ferriero, a World War II veteran who died earlier this year at the age of 97.
His life and service demanded that we celebrate that commitment to community and country.
But Jim Ferriero served in a popular cause that ended fascism and the evil ways of Adolf Hitler.
John McCain served in what became an unpopular war that lost America’s support and was tortured during his heinous captivity.
It could have been very easy to come back bitter, broken and negative, but that isn’t John McCain.
And while former President Barack Obama was vilified by the false accusation of not being an American citizen, Senator McCain ironically was born in Panama.
Would anyone question McCain’s commitment to God and Country?
The answer is no.
Here in North Arlington we have good people on both sides of the aisle seeking local office.
Decent, hard-working individuals!
The Democrats can be proud of Councilman Mark Yampaglia, the Democratic nominee for mayor and his running-mates former Mayor Peter Massa and corporate CFO Josie Papile.
These are highly educated, ethical and true advocates for North Arlington in every way.
They are more than just candidates for public office, but neighbors, friends and individuals who put North Arlington first!
We hope someone tells this White House you don’t disrespect the departed.
You display sympathy for those who deserve it no matter what the politics.
“Country First” was the campaign slogan of his 2008 presidential run. “North Arlington First” has been a slogan adopted by local Democrats many times in the past. Councilman Mark Yampaglia has coined the phrase that he’s a “bipartisan problem-solver” who respects his colleagues and competitors in this race for mayor and council and he considers Republican
Mayor Joe Bianchi a friend, colleague and hard-working mayor.
He just disagrees on some policy issues on how to manage and direct North Arlington’s future.
That is how one should approach public service.
Civility matters.
Politics need not be a blood sport in which progress is defined by winning and losing.
Community first!
That is what really matters and treating each other with respect and dignity within this local campaign will be remembered given the tenor and tone of this current White House.
It can never happen again.
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