Balwierczak & Yampaglia listen and learn about the issues voters truly care about!


NORTH ARLINGTON – On a beautiful Saturday with the sun shining, North Arlington Democratic candidates setup shop on Ridge Park Drive to speak with the community after coming off a successful primary effort that has the team optimistic and cautiously confident.


A table was assembled directly next to the Post Office where they greeted voters, spoke about the issues and offered a complimentary cup of coffee and doughnut to see what they are thinking.


The Democrats plan to table every Saturday while canvassing an additional two days a week through Labor Day.


“We have no illusions. This is an uphill battle against an entrenched political machine financed by developers and other outside real estate interests. All you need to do is reference their campaign filings with the state’s Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC). We are challenging a status quo that is committed to more apartment dwellings, more traffic and density while urbanizing North Arlington and retreating from the longstanding tradition of this municipality being the gateway to Bergen County. Our opponents have not had a serious challenge in nearly a decade and their votes and record reflect that reality,” offered both Balwierczak & Yampaglia.     


The Democrats offered those who stopped by the table to fill out surveys on what was important to them and they gladly responded.


The candidates emphasized they need to outwork the incumbents twice as hard because they will be outspent by as much as 5-1.


“Fitzhenry & Sheedy’s campaign is fully financed by outside real estate interests that have resulted in the explosion of apartment dwellings along Ridge Road with more to come. They won’t knock on a single door or engage one voter. We plan to be visible and accessible between now and the fall campaign,” noted Balwierczak.


The candidates noted longtime residents, seniors and tenants in particular were concerned about North Arlington’s future.


“Gentrification and urbanization are on the minds of voters. Others ask if there will be a Municipal Tax hike and who will be the new police chief. Will rolling assessments continue and is the building that once was occupied by the Italian Villa to be torn down? Others asked if the borough has such a large surplus of cash, why isn’t it being used for tax relief? These are valid questions that are never addressed in any communications with the public. Instead, we are fed a regular dose of taxpayer sponsored political propaganda that doesn’t answer the questions or address the issues of North Arlington. I guess we’ll have to wait for another $10,000 newsletter that no one reads for answers to some serious questions,” said Balwierczak.


“For the critical issue is this, are more apartments, density and traffic improving our quality-of-life along Ridge Road? The answer seems to be self-evident.”


The Democrats were also receiving concerns about car thefts and break-in’s.


“It seems you have to be on Facebook or some other Social Media platform to find out about these incidents. It’s a bit scary when someone can break into one’s home and then take the keys to your car and drive away as detailed online. Win or lose, we plan to open the drapes of this government and let the sun shine so regular residents get an accurate assessment as to what is happening in this community, noted the hopefuls.


An analysis of the primary results revealed low voter turnout primarily because there were no contested races that motivated the electorate.


“We’re behind Bill Pascrell for reelection to US Congress while our opponents are endorsing a MAGA Republican for a third time. They also endorsed another MAGA Republican for the US Senate that was soundly defeated statewide. While we have much work to do, we are encouraged by the results to date,” said Balwierczak.


“Democrats are running a serious and contested contest for the first time in some 8 years. We need to personally rebuild our party infrastructure and brand while offering a real alternative. As a first-time candidate, I am dedicated to a full-time effort because public service matters. We must build a dialogue and discussion that includes Independent, Democratic and discouraged Republicans. All residents deserve a place at the table of governance. North Arlington cannot remain a one-party monopoly where elections are coronations. Intentionally shutting out two-thirds of the community because they are not fanatics of either Fitzhenry or Sheedy is just misguided and short-sighted. Based on the response we received today, we believe that message of responsible two-party government, of keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban matters with most voters.”

“There will be no free ride for Fitzhenry or Sheedy. Being a councilmember is more than receiving a taxpayer funded check and attending one meeting a month. Anything worth doing is difficult and challenging. A competitive, grass roots democracy matters. Having a live option and a choice for voters is important. We will offer that contrast in the weeks and months before this general election,” said the challengers.


The Democrats believe the time has come for the incumbents to tell the community what they actually accomplished over their collective time in office.


Democrats will be meeting on Wednesday, June 19th at the Arlington Diner beginning at 7:00 PM and all supportive residents are encouraged to attend and bring a friend.


Light refreshments will be served.


To join the campaign, call 201-655-8497.