Part-time Politician & Real Estate Agent doesn’t see GOP Unsolicited Direct Mail as a form of SPAM!

Pronti has an opinion on just about everything except Rampant GOP Overdevelopment of Ridge Road and this year’s Property Tax Hike he personally engineered!

Fitzhenry and Sheedy. In too long, out-of-touch and it’s time to go!

NORTH ARLINGTON – Mayor Dan Pronti (R) is not up for reelection this year, but if you didn’t know any better you would think he is.

Seems the retired ex-cop, part-time politician and real estate agent is now giving marketing advice in how campaigns and candidates can communicate with the voting public:

“With election season coming up, we find an over abundance of unwanted, annoying solicitations from candidates, groups, political organizations, etc.

I personally do not agree with the practice of annoying residents with unsolicited calls, texts, or emails. I believe people can make their own decisions and do their own research to find the best available candidates for the job. Besides, I have never seen or heard one of those annoying SPAM messages that wasn’t severely slanted.

There are many ways to avoid and ignore those annoying SPAM messages, but I have attached a consumers guide to the FCC regulations surrounding them.

Once again, you will not be receiving those inconvenient, intrusive messages from me or my team.” – Mayor Dan Pronti

Mr. Pronti is certainly entitled to his opinion, and most people embrace communication on their smart phone, but it seems he has a contorted view of what exactly is SPAM?

For anything sent “unsolicited” could be regarded as SPAM, and thus traditional print mailings that local Republicans prefer could be also deemed “annoying,” much like his unsolicited opinions on the subject.

Take the case of the Borough of North Arlington’s recent municipal newsletter, thinly disguised as “news,” rather than the partisan political propaganda it actually was, and mailed to every resident at taxpayer expense!

Just what was the cost of that “unsolicited” mailing?

Who was the vendor and how many trees needed to be killed to send out something that went straight to the round file?

While the Mayor seems concerned about SPAM, what was the entire cost to taxpayers to receive such a politicized rag just weeks before the November 5th election?

A phony newsletter with glowing articles about Brian Fitzhenry, who coincidentally is seeking reelection?

For the words “overdevelopment” or “increased property taxes” are nowhere to be found in this latest lining for one’s bird cage.

And it’s a question Pronti will ignore and avoid.

And instead of wasting tax dollars on an expensive mailing with information that could have been easily posted on the Borough’s website or through e-mail delivery, maybe “Dan the SPAM” can explain his failed and flawed policy of constructing hundreds of apartments on Ridge Road few residents support?

Why is he supporting the gentrification and urbanization of North Arlington through the votes of his political pawns, Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy?

Dan Pronti. Turning North Arlington into Belleville!

Why is Pronti and his political puppets opposed to the notion of North Arlington remaining small, safe and suburban?

For isn’t that what North Arlington really wants to talk about?

For Fitzhenry and Sheedy stand for one thing and that’s 100% loyalty to Dan Pronti.

Dan says jump and Fitz and Sheedy reply, “how high?”

Maybe talking about the real issues and concerns facing North Arlington matter.

If Dan is so concerned about SPAM and unsolicited media and marketing, his candidates can go old school and canvass door to door, just like the Democrats have for over a year.

A little fresh air and exercise might do them some good. 

Meet the Democrats this Saturday at the North Arlington Post office from 9 am until 12 noon located at Ridge Park Drive.

Fitzhenry and Sheedy, out-of-touch, in too long and it’s time to go!

Balwierczak & Yampaglia for North Arlington Borough Council!