Democratic Council Candidate Sign Stolen!

Democratic Council Candidate Sign Stolen!

Balwierczak files report with North Arlington Police Department

NORTH ARLINGTON – After being asked by the Borough’s Construction Department to remove a sign on his personal residence supporting his candidacy while GOP signs and flags are obvious and evident around the community with no apparent consequence, a magnetic sign on the family automobile has apparently been stolen Sunday evening.

The car is owned by the candidate’s Mother and was parked directly in front of the Balwierczak residence.

Council candidate John Balwierczak, a life-long resident and graduate of North Arlington High School is a former Republican seeking office for the first time.

Balwierczak, who is seeking to break the local GOP monopoly of controlling all seven seats on the Mayor & Council, has been campaigning door-to-door for nearly a year and seeks to become the first Democrat to serve on the Borough Council since 2019, some five years ago.

No Democrat has been elected since 2016.   Balwierczak is mounting a strong grass roots effort along with his running-mate John Yampaglia, and have knocked on hundreds of doors collecting over 300 signatures on their nominating petitions, the most of any municipal candidate in all of Bergen County. The two Democrats table every Saturday at the North Arlington Post Office located at Ridge Park Drive and are distributing surveys to voters to get a handle on the issues residents really want to talk about.

The two Democrats have embraced the slogan, keeping North Arlington “small, safe and suburban,” an obvious reference to the plethora of unbridled apartment dwellings constructed and proposed by the all-Republican Mayor & Council and enthusiastically embraced by embedded GOP incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy.  Both incumbents voted to raise Municipal Taxes and continue to support the practice of rolling tax assessments that are incredibly unpopular with homeowners.

Balwierczak and Yampaglia attribute the new construction density, increased traffic and urbanization of Ridge Road by Fitzhenry and Sheedy resulting in less parking for residents and an overall deterioration of the character of the community that was formally embraced as being the gateway of Bergen County and not an extension of Hudson County.“The contrast in this election is clear. We support responsible two-party participation and open government. They do not. We oppose this Municipal Tax hike, they do not. We believe North Arlington remain small, safe and suburban, and they do not. We oppose needless council raises for part-time elected officials. They do not. They embrace them and believe they are deserving of such pay hikes and try to hide them under the cloak of being hard working municipal employees. They are politicians. Getting a raise to attend a single meeting a month is laughable,” charged Balwierczak.   

Regarding the stolen property, he was hopeful this is not a sign of what’s to come.

“We are trying to run a respectful and optimistic effort and we’re apparently being targeted just because we dare to challenge this failed status quo of rampant overdevelopment and an attack on our quality-of-life with home invasions, car break-in’s and a sense North Arlington is off on the wrong track,” noted the council insurgents.

For more information, contact the campaign at (201) 655-8497.