Political Upset in the Making come Election Day

NORTH ARLINGTON – NA Today has learned that internal polling suggests local Democrats surging in their race to retain two seats and wrestle one away from local Republicans in the race for three council seats.
Republicans currently enjoy a 4-2 majority with Dan Pronti presiding as mayor. There are three seats up for grabs as political Boss James “Jimmy” Bocchino protégé Kirk Del Russo, who was defeated for a council seat in 2011 due to his undying support of the failed EnCap housing scheme is seeking a full term after being appointed by the Mayor last January.
Del Russo is running with Lynette Cavadas, whose husband is the Borough’s Electrician and she also receives a patronage plum of $1500 due to her support of the local Republicans. Many are concerned of a conflict of interest should she be elected with her multiple roles as municipal vendor and patronage appointee.
The third candidate is Donna Bocchino, the daughter of James Bocchino, the retired BCUA patronage employee and former GOP Chairman and chief fundraiser for Pronti and the local Republicans (click here to see video of Pronti praising Bocchino’s fundraising efforts). Bocchino is chairman of the local Republican effort and his wife is serving as the campaign’s treasurer.
Bocchino is also the Borough’s controversial “Quality of Life” Officer earning $8000 annually who was appointed by Pronti several months ago.
Others wonder if Bocchino’s daughter will support the apparent nepotism and job collection by the Republicans that have residents leery and nervous.
“Why does NA require this needless position? It’s politics as usual. Here comes the old boss; same as the new one,” offered one local Democrat when asked to comment.

Councilman Mark Yampaglia, the four-term Democrat and life-long resident is cautiously optimistic in his bid for an unprecedented fifth term.

“We’re receiving an excellent response at the doors. People are upset about rolling assessments and rising property taxes. They want and expect a healthy dose of Democrats and Republicans serving in office and they reject machine politics and one-party government. I’m the only candidate in this race with a record of controlling taxes and spending while opposing the housing scheme EnCap and delivering on the completion of the Federal Express Distribution Center at Porete Avenue,” noted Yampaglia, a parishioner at Queen of Peace where he was married to his wife Shirley.
Yampaglia is a local business owner with law offices in neighboring Rutherford and Jersey City.
Local Democrats believe the reason for the support is the strong, top of the ticket lead-in with Assembly incumbents Gary Schaer and Clinton Calabrese along with a trio of Democratic freeholder incumbents poised to an easy reelection victory.
“I’m very happy with the direction of the campaign. We have three fine individuals seeking public office. I have known Mark for 25 years and his two-running-mates are bright and energetic newcomers endorsed by the NJ AFL-CIO,” offered Antonicello, himself a former labor leader and union president with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).
“Del Russo, Cavadas and Bocchino are running away from their Republican brand. They are distancing themselves from the top of the ticket as well as the guy currently occupying the White House. That’s Dan Pronti’s favorite president and the guy who tried to save EnCap when Democrats were stopping it,” noted one local political observer when asked to comment.
Local Democrats just hosted a very successful fundraiser and have been canvassing every weekend and just opened a headquarters on Ridge Road. The Republicans also have a headquarters, but is always seems closed with no one apparently staffing the office.

“The momentum seems to be with Democrats. Local Democrats have an ally in Governor Phil Murphy and Freeholder Steve Tanelli in Hackensack, but local Republicans led by Boss Bocchino oppose any effort to work with these leaders that can assist North Arlington in the area of new revenue and redevelopment. Local Republicans are turning North Arlington into an island to itself and that’s bad news for homeowners and tenants alike,” offered another longtime resident and Ridge Road passerby when giving a thumbs up to the new Democratic headquarters and all the activity this weekend in posting more sign locations and gathering more support for the surging local efforts!