“Do as I say, not as I do,” seems to be the reality of the petty, partisan world of the all-Republican, North Arlington Mayor & Council.

“Do as I say, not as I do,” seems to be the reality of the petty, partisan world of the all-Republican, North Arlington Mayor & Council.

Was this resident scolded by Borough officials for exercising his protected, constitutional right?

We doubt it!

NORTH ARLINGTON – This admonitory order is sometimes followed by a self-deprecating phrase, Do as I say , not as I do , meaning “don’t imitate my behavior but obey my instructions.” This order first appeared in John Selden’s Table-Talk (c. 1654): “Preachers say, ‘Do as I say, not as I do.”

The sign here is promoting the candidacy of Robert Kugler, the Republican for Bergen County Sheriff. 

When Democratic council candidate John Balwierczak placed a sign on his lawn promoting his candidacy, he received calls from the North Arlington Construction Department head Robert Kairys, a longtime Republican and supporter of the GOP incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy.         

We questioned the reasoning why a highly paid, six-figure plus, municipal employee would waste his time on such foolishness.

When we broke the story along with the voicemail left to the candidate by Kairys, the issue has apparently gone away.

Why is that?

We asked who gave the order, and no one has responded.

Was it the Borough Administrator?


Was it a resident?

Was it the Mayor & Council?

Again, nothing.

And we also pointed out that several properties were displaying Trump for President signs, and were any of these individuals contacted? Crickets. 

And local Republicans Fitzhenry and Sheedy are now prominently displaying signs for re-election on that dilapidated, run-down structure on Ridge Road apparently set for demolition for moremultiple dwellings!   

Do you see a pattern here?

So why was Mr. Balwierczak, and only Balwierczak contacted, and no one else?

If the Balwierczak campaign accomplished anything, it is that free speech cannot and should not be denied by bureaucrats who have nothing else to do with their time and energies.

But the notion seems obvious that if you’re a Democrat, especially a local council candidate you are subject to these mindless inquiries by this all-Republican political machine that currently operates North Arlington lock, stock and barrel!

The notion of two sets of rules for Democrats and Republicans seems obvious.

So while we endorse all displays of political expression which is constitutionally protected, let’s make sure Democrats, especially the candidacies of Mr. Balwierczak and his running-mate John Yampaglia receive equal treatment regarding such silly practices by the Borough of North Arlington.

One can only assume local Republicans are threatened by the effort made by Democrats, and that the possibility of being toppled based on their message of keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban is indeed resonating with voters after a year’s worth of canvassing and engaging the community in a positive and respectful way!

Fitzhenry and Sheedy.

In too long, out-of-touch and time to go!

Support responsible two-party government and end the madness of this explosion of apartment dwellings along Ridge Road!

Meet the Democrats any Saturday at the NA Post Office located on Ridge Park Drive from 9 to 12 noon.

For more information on the campaign, contact (201) 655-8497.