Civility over Hostility, Placing North Arlington First!
The voters of North Arlington are probably a little bit confused and concerned about our community’s future and rightly so.
The passing of Mayor Joe Bianchi, a popular local figure and long-standing icon of North Arlington leaves very big shoes to fill moving forward.
What made Mayor Bianchi so likable is that he was not a partisan politician, but rather a public advocate for the community.
Councilman Mark Yampaglia like Mayor Bianchi is also a life-long resident and like Joe Bianchi graduated from North Arlington HS where he played Varsity Baseball for the Vikings.
Mayor Bianchi and Councilman Yampaglia were local business owners and both were incredibly approachable as getting the job done is far more important than who received the credit.
In the case of Federal Express it was Mayor Massa who got the ball rolling and Mayor Bianchi who got the job completed. It was a bipartisan accomplishment that had the support of Councilman Mark Yampaglia as well as Councilwoman Jean Williams.
For it isn’t about Democrat or Republican, Undeclared or Independent; it was about doing what was right and best for North Arlington.
In other words, North Arlington first!
In this abbreviated campaign how does one best remember the legacy of Joe Bianchi?
Is it about partisan politics or people who like Mayor Bianchi placed North Arlington first with civility and compassion?
Councilman Mark Yampaglia’s personality and temperament best reflects the kind of person Joe Bianchi was. Both were low key, not political and more civic-minded than anything else.
When examining the Yampaglia record he supported Joe Bianchi most of the time on hundreds of votes before the Mayor and Council. That’s being a bipartisan problem-solver that places homeowners and tenants first.
In a time where politics has become hostage to negative campaigning and attacks like we see every day at the national level, Councilman Mark Yampaglia would be a natural extension to the style and character of Mayor Bianchi. While no one always agrees, Mark in many ways will keep the Bianchi style and leadership model in tack.
When you do vote, keep these important considerations in mind when casting your vote as to who will best represent you here in North Arlington come Tuesday, November 6th.
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