It’s about time they made this announcement.
What took so long and why was the community not part of the process?
How much is all this going to cost and impact property taxes?
Is keeping a $10 million dollar property permanently OFF the tax rolls a smart decision?
How much cost will this acquisition ultimately cost beyond the $6,400,000?
How does the Board of Education have this kind of cash on hand?
How did they accumulate these dollars to avert a referendum?
What will be the overall impact on taxes such as additional personnel and the renovations that could be in the millions?
How will those dollars be appropriated and why wasn’t the community notified on how these dollars were being stored for such a purchase?
It is easy to spend other people’s money and disappointing in a community with a limited tax base that the Board of Education would arbitrarily make these decisions in a complete vacuum with no public input until after the fact.
And they wonder why people don’t trust the government.