Refused to provide voters with positions on key issues according to Just Facts/Vote Smart!

NORTH ARLINGTON – In 2013 Brian Fitzhenry made a delusional bid for the New Jersey Senate in the 36th Legislative District only to be crushed by Senator Paul Sarlo (D-36) of Wood-Ridge.

But it seems like in that race, this reelection bid for borough council is also lacking in offering specific and detailed stands on the issues voters care about, specifically rolling tax assessments, higher property taxes and the overdevelopment of Ridge Road.

Here is a link to that 11-year old campaign and what they thought of the Fitzhenry candidacy:    

In that race, Fitzhenry was described in the following manner:

“Brian Fitzhenry has refused to provide voters with positions on key issues covered by the 2013 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests.”

Sounds familiar?

Brian Fitzhenry has voted time and time again for more apartment dwellings along Ridge Road with more to come on the Belleville Turnpike and Schuyler Avenue, but refuses to acknowledge his support of these misguided projects that have increased traffic, density, and the urbanization of North Arlington into an extension of Hudson County!                       

In fact Fitzhenry and his running-mate Allison Sheedy have not taken a public position on anything, choosing to let party surrogates online personally attack their challengers, former Republican John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia, who are running on a platform of keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban, while opposing overdevelopment and the recent tax hikes endorsed and supported by the incumbents.

On Saturday, where Balwierczak and Yampaglia greet voters at the Post Office on Ridge Park Drive, NA homeowners complained to the candidates about the never ending rolling assessments that have resulted in steep tax hikes in 2024.

“Several residents today complained about these reassessments as a detriment to investing in their properties for fear it will result in unreasonable tax hikes. These rolling assessments are unpopular and the overdevelopment of Ridge Road equally agitating. If you live close to Ridge Road and any of these new apartment projects, street parking is now at a premium,” offered candidate John Balwierczak. 

“People are stopping by the table to support our team. They have had it with the apartments and the spike in taxes which are already too high.”

Both Balwierczak and Yampaglia are now walking the entire community for a third time, a process they started in the summer of 2023, over one year ago.

They estimate having knocked on over 5,000 doors and spoken to over 1,000 residents thus far.           

“One resident thanked us for making the effort to run. They, like us believe political competition has been lacking for too long and the time for Democrats back on the council is now. We believe responsible two-party government is the only way to end the unbridled overdevelopment and keep North Arlington as the gateway of Bergen County and end this mindless replication of apartments like we see in Harrison or Belleville in Essex County,” noted the hopefuls.

To join the campaign contact the candidates at 201-655-8497.