Republican incumbents have now received four pay increases since 2020 to attend one meeting a month!

NORTH ARLINGTON – Embedded Republican incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy voted themselves a fourth consecutive raise as they seem to think elected officials should receive COLA (cost of living adjustments) as if they were employees of the borough.

According to a public records request, members of the North Arlington Borough Council were receiving $9,832.50 in 2020 and now receive $11,119.67 or a total increase of 12%.

While public employee collective bargaining agreements or CBA’s allow for annual raises, why are elected officials receiving a pay hike every year?

“Because they can do as they choose with no accountability to the taxpayer,” noted John Balwierczak, a former Republican seeking public office for the first time.

“Shouldn’t the residents decide if elected officials should receive a pay hike? If we’re successful, we will call for these raises to be placed before the voters as a non-binding referendum. If voters support it, I would endorse it. Personally, I don’t believe politicians should be able to award themselves a raise without public input or approval,” countered the council hopeful.

Democrats have announced they would personally freeze their council stipends during the life of their collective terms.

“This is a symbolic statement. Municipal Taxes are increasing in 2024 and it looks awful that part of the tax hike is subsidizing pay raises for politicians. This is an issue of principle. Doling out pay hikes to politicians who are part-time and are required to attend a single public meeting is a bit ridiculous. People run for office to serve the public. Public service at the municipal level is very part-time in nature and scope. It is these kind of raises that irritate the electorate,” offered both Balwierczak and his running-mate, John Yampaglia.

Balwierczak said he would be a full-time elected official despite a part-time stipend.

“That is my choice. I will put in 40 hours a week for the duration of my term of office.”

North Arlington Democrats are meeting Wednesday evening at 7PM at the Arlington Diner located at the corner of the Belleville Pike and River Road and all supportive residents are urged to attend.

Light refreshments will be served.