Republicans Pronti, Del Russo, Fitzhenry and Sheedy spotted going door to door directly across the street from the home of Democratic challenger John Balwierczak!

Looks like GOP is finally campaigning in a council race that has become incredibly competitive and contested.

NORTH ARLINGTON – Local Republicans, who have ignored campaigning for months made an unusual door-to-door stop at a home directly across the street of council candidate John Balwierczak, the former Republican who has mounted a spirited and issue-oriented contest regarding the overdevelopment practices of the incumbents Fitzhenry and Sheedy that has resulted in a significant tax hike that has homeowners exhausted.

Balwierczak was a little shocked to see this collection of local elected officials canvassing after sunset just directly across the street.

“I went outside to exchange hand shakes and we chatted for a few moments and wished them luck. I believe in running a civil, respectful race and if they continue to canvass they will hear what I hear which nobody support overdevelopment. Nobody wants all of these apartments. No one likes this increased density or traffic. People don’t like the fact there is less residential street parking. This urbanization of North Arlington conflicts with the long held belief that we remain small, safe and suburban. Becoming Belleville versus remaining Bergen County is not what voters have in mind,” offered the challenger.

Both Balwierczak and his running-mate John Yampaglia have been walking the community’s ten election districts for over a year. This is the first time they have spotted the GOP locals on the streets engaging residents.

“We’re the underdogs, They have all the money and the power, but we have a message and a solution to a problem they helped create. The time for responsible two-party government is now.”

Meet the Democrats every Saturday from 9 to noon at the North Arlington Post Office located at Ridge Park Drive where you can speak to the candidates, complete a community survey, register to vote or just discuss the issues you want to talk about.

Like to have the candidates stop by your home

Contact them at (201) 655-8497.