North Arlington council hopefuls have the wind behind their backs in bid to upset GOP incumbents Fitzhenry & Sheedy!

NORTH ARLINGTON – Local council candidates John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia attended a fundraiser hosted by Bergen County Executive James Tedesco (D-Paramus) this week as the candidates received the support of the Bergen executive as well as his Hudson County counterpart, Craig Guy.

A contingent of North Arlington Democrats attended the event Thursday evening as the candidates continue to canvass door-to-door as well as make final plans for a fundraiser of their own on Sunday September 22nd at the home of candidate Balwierczak.

Also seeking reelection to a record fourth term as Bergen County Commissioner is former North Arlington councilman Steve Tanelli.

“All politics is local. We will continue our door-to-door efforts and grass roots campaigning that started over a year ago. We believe there is a sense that voters seek a change. They are embracing our message and the notion that we have responsible two-party government locally and that NA remain small, safe and suburban,” offered both Balwierczak and Yampaglia. 

A Italian-style buffet will be offered and tickets are $50 per person and you can pay at the door.

The address is 76 Chestnut Street and it starts at 6PM, and is the residence of candidate John Balwierczak.

All checks should be made payable to the North Arlington Democratic Committee and for more details, contact the campaign direct at (201) 655-8497.

The local Democrats will be tabling this Saturday at the North Arlington Post Office beginning at 9AM to 12PM at Ridge Park Drive. Feel free to stop and meet the candidates, register to vote or take part in their community survey.

County Executive Guy, who is a retired Jersey City police officer pictured here also served as President of the Hudson County Schools of Technology as well as Chief of Staff to his predecessor Thomas Di Gise, the former county executive.

As a Jersey City police officer for more than 25 years, he rose to the rank of Lieutenant and worked with his brothers and sisters in blue to keep the streets of his hometown safe. During his time with the JCPD, he worked closely with community groups and civic leaders throughout the city to foster good relations between the citizenry and those who are sworn to protect and serve.

James J. Tedesco, III is currently serving his third term as Bergen County Executive – only the second person in the history of county government to be elected to the role three times. Since taking office in 2015, County Executive Tedesco has focused on improving quality of life and services for county residents while also creating greater efficiency throughout county government. 

The election is Tuesday, November 5th.