“If you’re explaining, you’re losing.” ― President Ronald Reagan.
GOP rhetoric regarding their unpopular overdevelopment policies has resulted in more density, traffic, urbanization, gentrification and higher taxes for North Arlington!
NORTH ARLINGTON – Twisting in the political wind like a pretzel, the surrogates and ghost writers for embedded incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy has become an exercise in futility and it’s only August!
For the condescending and off-message response to their unpopular policies has resulted in poor polling numbers and a sense the time for a new direction is now.
Frustrated by the policy backlash as well as serious political competition for the first time in nearly a decade, the Republican campaign of Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy is seemingly on life support as the candidates refuse to speak for themselves while Sheedy is proud of the fact she won’t comment on the overdevelopment of Ridge Road or the tax hike she and Fitzhenry enthusiastically support!
For the online rants have become embarrassing, claiming municipal taxes have not increased since 2017, as most homeowners despise these rolling assessments that in many ways prevent some from improving their properties and living space.
For the incumbents have become so politically color blind, that they fail to understand that voters seek and want responsible two-party government and are more than willing to rid themselves of the monopoly and monologue of a 7-0, all-Republican Mayor & Council!
Even registered Republicans are telling Democrats John Balwierczak, a former Republican himself and his running-mate John Yampaglia that enough is enough.
“Our slogan is direct and to the point. Let’s maintain our community values and keep North Arlington first. Let’s keep North Arlington small, safe and suburban. For what part of that doesn’t Brian and Allison not understand? More importantly, why are they resisting what North Arlington has always been, and why are they pushing this failed partisan transformation no one supports, not even Republicans,” offered the challengers.
“North Arlington is not Harrison, Kearny or East Newark in Hudson County. It isn’t Belleville in Essex County. It is the gateway of Bergen County. It wants to be part of like-minded communities such as Lyndhurst, Rutherford, East Rutherford and Carlstadt. It rejects the plethora of apartment units along Ridge Road and now the Belleville Turnpike and Schuyler Avenue. The Republicans don’t seem to understand as we reject their whole philosophy and approach to government. We are running to stop these misguided practices that lack no support. The Republicans don’t understand this simple premise because the incumbents won’t knock on a single door and see elections as coronations. Only they are qualified to govern,” offered candidate Balwierczak, a former Republican who has been personally attacked for months by this dysfunctional GOP.
“People don’t feel safe these days. Car thefts, home invasions and alike have been on the up tick and our opponents won’t even acknowledge this reality. This everything is just fine mentality, and only we can govern approach has become laughable. After ten years in office governing only with other Republicans, where is the record of results or achievement? It simply does not exist,” observed Yampaglia who’s father served as a municipal judge and brother as councilman and public defender.
“The personal attacks are endless. John is a full-time candidate for council while I am a small business owner with and advanced degree and former teacher. We have been campaigning for over a year. Both of us are life-long residents and graduates of North Arlington High School. What is the problem with trying to protect longstanding beliefs that North Arlington remain small, safe and suburban? Are the wave of apartment buildings along Ridge Road a wise practice? Why have they never once asked for citizen input on that so-called redevelopment plan no one seems to believe actually exists. At the end of the day Fitzhenry and Sheedy have voted themselves four consecutive pay raises while stacking the payroll with political hacks. This machine is fueled by real estate interests, builders and developers and this transformation from suburban to urban has only just begun,” blasted the hopefuls.
“President Ronald Reagan was known as the great communicator. Fitzhenry, Sheedy and their surrogates continue to explain away bad policies that most people oppose. They even reject the notion of two-party government, dismissing it as not relevant or important while urging voters to stay the course of more apartments, more added assessments and ultimately, higher property taxes for all. President Reagan would not recognize this Republican Party and neither do we. Join the North Arlington first movement. We are a coalition of like-minded residents who have seen enough and had enough of both Fitzhenry and Sheedy who are out-of-touch, in too long, and it’s time for them to go.”
Meet the candidates any Saturday at the North Arlington Post Office from 9-12 noon every Saturday. Need a sign or register to vote? Contact the campaign at (201) 655-8497.
The candidates would love to meet you and discuss the issues you really care about.