Impending Municipal Tax Hike has NA Seniors up in arms!

Impending Municipal Tax Hike has NA Seniors up in arms!

Break-in’s and Car Thefts on the minds of many!

Balwierczak & Yampaglia test issues with NA residents as they formulate a summer strategy to unseat Fitzhenry & Sheedy.

NORTH ARLINGTON – With wicked temperatures rising this past weekend, that didn’t stop insurgent Democrats John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia from registering voters, answering questions and listening to residents happy to meet them for the first or second time. 

The Democrats continue to walk door-to-door, and have added these weekly tabling events from 9 to 12 noon every Saturday until election day.

The local Democrats believe voter engagement is critical to winning, and that means canvassing and meeting as many voters as possible.

“Campaign cycles have radically changed. It is impossible to beat embedded incumbents like Fitzhenry and Sheedy waiting till after Labor Day to launch a credible and persuasive effort. We have mapped out a strategy that we believe accounts for VBM (vote by mail) residents and a world where texting, e-mail and other alternative communication tools that have replaced traditional mail for example. We have created a survey that residents are completing which will be the basis of our platform and agenda in the coming weeks,” offered Balwierczak, the former Republican who has been campaigning for nearly a year.

“The Republicans with all of that special interest developer dollars will outspend us 5-1. The density, gentrification and plethora of multiple dwellings along Ridge Road is obvious and evident. Neither Fitzhenry or Sheedy have the conviction or courage to fight for seniors or working families here who do not support this transformation of North Arlington from a small safe and suburban community that was the gateway to Bergen County. This unbridled shift to urbanization, increased traffic and now increased taxes has North Arlington becoming an extension of Hudson County and that’s bad news for taxpayers,” offered the two Democrats.

“Why won’t Fitzhenry or Sheedy address this impending tax hike? Why is this government raising taxes when they have millions in surplus? Why is North Arlington being overtaxed and over assessed?

Democrats continue to hammer away at the lack of real and credible information that is shared with taxpayers.

The two Democrats believe residents are being kept in the dark as Fitzhenry and Sheedy have made no public comments regarding this increase in taxes.

“Neither Fitzhenry or Sheedy will knock on a single door. They are hidden from the public by this entrenched political machine. They seem more concerned with a sign on my residence then explaining a decade of do-nothing actions that have resulted in increased multiple dwellings, rolling assessments and a sense that the only opinions that matter to these embedded incumbents who have awarded themselves pay hikes, are the political donors who are fueling this change no resident seems to support.”

Democrats are questioning the logic of more apartment units yet property taxes continue to climb.

“Millions in surplus, yet taxes still increase. Maybe Fitzhenry or Sheedy can explain this failed math. There is no communication with residents. Most voters have never heard of Fitzhenry or Sheedy. They are invisible elected officials relying on this local political machine to get them over the finish line and responsible two-party government be damned.”

“Why won’t Fitzhenry or Sheedy speak for homeowners or tenants? Ten years in office and not a tangible accomplishment? For North Arlington has been saddled with this one-party monopoly that believes stripping the community of our foundational values of being small, safe and suburban no longer matter. Why are the giving a green light to all this construction on Ridge Road when there is no tangible benefit to the community? Who supports urbanization, density, traffic and more dwellings other than the incumbents? We have knocked on hundreds of doors and have yet to meet a single resident that supports this transformation of North Arlington.”

The Democrats are willing to stop by your home and speak about the issues at your convenience. Call 201-655-8497.

“We want to hear your concerns and meet you one-on-one. We’ll let our opponents continue to complain about signs and offer voters nothing,” offered the hopefuls.