Yampaglia: I’m a bipartisan problem-solver that will get things done!
Rumors are flying in North Arlington as the field for mayor expanded to four candidates with the addition of political unknown Lillian Sadanha, the first Hispanic woman to run for the Borough’s top spot.
All rumors seem to point in the direction of GOP Councilman Dan Pronti, who had made it known for some time he fully expected to be the Republican Party candidate for mayor in 2018.
But instead of Pronti filing against first-term Mayor Joe Bianchi, he opted to skip a challenge and apparently assist Saldanha in gathering signatures as an independent that will take votes away from the incumbent.
Political observers see a boiling political split within the local Republican ranks.
“There seems to be a real split developing between the Pronti/Saldanha forces and the regular Republican organization that includes Bianchi and his top allies in former mayor Len Kaiser as well as former councilman Gary Burns. We’ve been told that Kaiser in particular is openly hostile to Pronti’s political success and is determined to drive him out of the local GOP ranks while the rest of the organization is now being asked to choose sides,” offered one local Democrat on the chaos that is finally coming to the surface.
While the GOP in-fighting becomes public, the local Democrats are solidly behind nominee Mark Yampaglia and his council ticket of Pete Massa and Josie Papile.
“The North Arlington Democratic Party is 100% behind Mark. Not a single Democratic Committee member or significant local Democrat is not on board. County Chairman Lou Stellato came to our last meeting to lend financial support for this ticket. County Clerk John Hogan is supporting the ticket. US Congressman Bill Pascrell, Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco and our favorite son, Freeholder Steve Tanelli who will lead this ticket along with running-mate Tracy Zur are behind Mark who was Steve’s running mate in 2005, 2008 and 2011. Our party has been unified because Mark is a likable and a lifelong resident people trust. He cares about NA and has a specific plan of action as the Republican blood bath spills into public view,” stated Antonicello, who was unopposed in his reelection as Municipal Party leader.
Antonicello noted that Democratic support is now expanding beyond North Arlington.
“I was contacted recently by supporters of US Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont who ran for president in 2016 and they have expressed financial support for the Yampaglia team. Democrats understand that this is not the time for political static and whining. Swing towns like North Arlington are essential for future success and that’s why we have the unity we enjoy versus the fighting on the other side of the aisle,” offered Antonicello.
“Those trashing the very party that delivered numerous political and elective opportunities in the past is disappointing, unfair and without cause,” said Antonicello.
“We’re moving on with a positive campaign and an agenda for a better, not a bitter North Arlington,” noted the local Democratic leader.
Councilman Yampaglia was asked to comment on the widening Republican strife.
“I have no comment. I like Mayor Bianchi personally as well as Dan Pronti. I don’t know Lillian and really have nothing more to say about it,” offered the Democratic challenger.
“What I will say is that I have spent a lifetime to get to this place. I worked hard to earn my degrees and become a member of Phi Beta Kappa. I have a great wife and family that supports me. I remember when my Dad ran for mayor and the hard work it takes to be successful. I’ve been appointed twice and elected four times to the Borough Council. I was proud to serve as Public Defender and I’m prepared to walk the entire community twice if necessary to meet as many people as possible. I’m the guide on the side, not the sage on the stage. I’m a bipartisan problem solver,” noted Yampaglia as he knocked furiously on doors in the Copper Ridge Apartments on Ridge Road on Saturday afternoon.
For more information about the Yampaglia campaign, contact him at (201) 602-2612.