Pronti brags about his “Quality of Life” Officer who is the GOP’s key fundraiser!
North Arlington Mayor Dan Pronti makes no bones about it in these two video clips and his praise for James Bocchino and his ability to raise large sums of money for Pronti’s emerging political machine!
Since winning for mayor, Pronti appointed Bocchino to this useless position of “Quality of Life” Officer for $8000 while endorsing Bocchino’s daughter for council and appointing Bocchino’s wife as the campaign treasurer!
Can you say “All in the Family?”
But what does Bocchino actually do in what appears to be a political patronage plum as Pronti’s Chief Fundraiser?
What are Bocchino’s hours and who does he report too?
Does he file reports and what exactly has he accomplished since being appointed?
This is the GOP Renaissance?
In the first clip at a GOP campaign rally Pronti is crediting Bocchino exclusively for raising the lion’s share of campaign dollars.
Clearly Pronti and his council colleagues Fitzhenry, Karcic and Sheedy are all on board in praising this kind of machine style politics (See Video).
In the second video, Pronti drones on like a Hudson County Political Boss and his support of the campaign tactics of Bocchino, who is Pronti’s top political lieutenant in charge of keeping the machine running and humming (See Video).
So what are Bocchino’s “qualifications” to be this “quality of life” official?
Bocchino, a former EnCap sympathizer and two-time loser for borough council is the ultimate political insider and retired patronage employee of county government.
Are those the qualifications Pronti wants and seeks?
Is this serious public policy or politics as usual?
Pronti has become so arrogant and brazen in just 8 months as mayor, can you imagine what will happen if Democrats are eliminated from the political equation and replaced with Bocchino’s daughter as a member of the Borough Council?
Is Pronti willing to finally concede this is all about partisan politics and nothing about good government for North Arlington?
Call Mayor Dan at 991-6060 and tell him to stop wasting tax dollars on patronage and stop lecturing NA that Property Taxes are going down when they’re really going up!
Stop with the Fake News Mayor Dan!
Time for Pronti to eliminate this silly position and stop with the blatant patronage appointments that just cost taxpayer dollars!
Time to wake up North Arlington from your slumber!
Pronti & Bocchino, perfect together!
Perfect for local Republicans!
But what about the rest of us concerned about rising property taxes and a sense NA is now being held hostage by Hudson County style politics?
Here comes the new boss, same as the old one!
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