Joe Cerone is receiving the support of Mayor Dan Pronti and his “puppet” candidates Mario Karcic and Donna Bocchino and that’s bad news for taxpayers and homeowners!
Cerone wants to portray himself as a successful businessman, but what do we really know about this life-long political insider of the local Republican Party?
Cerone is the son of the failed, one-term tenure of Ernest T. Cerone who was defeated for reelection by one of the largest landslides in North Arlington history with no apparent background in public education!
But what we do know is that Joe Cerone is an unapologetic fanatic of Donald Trump who before becoming president was trying to save the Encap housing project that would have destroyed North Arlington’s small town character and charm!

Cerone is in effect a Trump clone candidate.
And just like Donald Trump, Joe Cerone attacks anyone who disagrees with him as he has done for decades as an election campaign worker for local Republicans!
For Joe Cerone is a subscriber of the “alternative facts” of Trump, he shares the Trump agenda of privatizing public education.
For Cerone has no platform or an educational agenda to share with teachers, students or taxpayers!
For in this challenged COVID-19 environment, what will he do to provide equal access and equity in every NA school?

He has no plan and he doesn’t offer anything worth repeating.
What resources can he guarantee for kids in this new normal and what standards does be espouse to make public education better than before?
For the Cerone candidacy is about raw politics, being propped up by Pronti, Karcic and Bocchino, the same folks who have taken thousands of dollars from out-of-town developers, contractors and builders who want to “urbanize and gentrify” North Arlington into an extension of Hudson County and no longer the first community of Bergen where we led the way as being small, safe and suburban!
For Cerone is nothing but a “Tea Party” Trumpeter; and not the non-partisan and independent voice required to ensure our schools offer a quality public education at a value far better than the cost.
For Joe Cerone has no record or resume that suggests his election to the school board will improve public education in North Arlington, in fact his election will make things far worse!
North Arlington needs community leaders with a resume of success and a path for the future to serve our community, students, parents and taxpayers.
It is time to reject this political embarrassment and ensure he is defeated come November 3rd.
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