The arrogance of Fitzhenry & Sheedy knows no bounds

NORTH ARLINGTON – Why would a Democratic candidate here in NA be contacted by the Borough Building Department about a sign on his family’s home, but when Republicans erect signs on public sidewalks in front of that dilapidated eye sore of a political clubhouse on Ridge Road, nothing happens?


A question that will never get answered in this campaign.

And as asked before, who authorized municipal employee Robert Kairys, a six-figure middle manager of municipal government and avid supporter of the incumbents to make that call to council candidate John Balwierczak?


Was it the Borough Administrator who is rarely seen around town?

Was it the Mayor and Council?

Who gave the order?

As the Republican campaign for reelection can be best described as a lost ball in high weeds, this image is proof positive of the arrogance and overconfidence of a political machine that has gotten fat and happy!

This “do as we say, not as we do” mentality is embedded in just about every decision they make, because after all, this is their town and the rest of us just live here! 

When residents plead their case about the lack of parking due to the plethora of apartment dwellings constructed on Ridge Road that are now metastasizing to the Belleville Pike and Schuyler Avenue, the condescending tone of those who pretend to care about average residents is a bit sickening indeed.

For as long as we have this 7-0 Republican stranglehold on local government by the likes of Fitzhenry and Sheedy, nothing will change.

Absolutely nothing.

For political power must be grabbed by the residents of North Arlington and transfer a portion of that authority to members of another political party.

Voting “yes” thousands of times for all the wrong policies for a decade and then rewarding themselves with four consecutive pay hikes for attending one meeting a month is no way to run a railroad!

Tell those who think overdevelopment, density, increased apartments, urbanization and less parking is a good idea, that you have had enough!

For it is time for a second pair of eyes to serve as a watchdog to local municipal government.

There is a choice and a distinct alternative to this nonsense come November 5th.

Vote the team dedicated to keeping North Arlington first!

Keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban is a principle, a promise and a value.


Stating political allegiance to just one man is confirming the hand-puppet mentality of both Fitzhenry and Sheedy!


They are simply in too long, out-of-touch and it’s time for them to go!