Fitzhenry & Sheedy continue this “Build Baby Build,” Massive Overdevelopment Housing Scheme no one Supports!

Democrats Balwierczak & Yampaglia hear the call to keep North Arlington small, safe and suburban!

NORTH ARLINGTON – With the Republican October surprise of calling for senior/veteran housing falling flat on its face, lacking details or specifics, Democrats Balwierczak and Yampaglia continue to hammer away at the failed overdevelopment madness promoted by the Republicans despite the overwhelming opposition by residents who are pleading to keep North Arlington small, safe and suburban.

While Mayor Dan Pronti and his two hand-picked puppets continue to ignore the wishes of the public, Democrats continue their door to door efforts that they believe will stop the urbanization and density policies of the Republicans that has resulted in hundreds of apartments along Ridge Road now metastasizing to Schuyler Avenue, River Road and the Belleville Pike! 

These misguided overdevelopment practices have resulted in a spike in population that could lead to larger class sizes and the double whammy of increased school taxes and costs. It should be noted that incumbent Brian Fitzhenry has now voted to raise property taxes this year and raised property taxes every year he was a failed member of the North Arlington Board of Education.

No one has raised property taxes more than Fitzhenry.

But it is the increased traffic and congestion along Ridge Road coupled with the lack of residential street parking that has voters seeking an alternative to local Republicans. 

“They have had a decade of uninterrupted control of the Mayor & Council. No Democrat has served in 5 years. We are asking voters to restore balance and responsible two-party government that will provide the oversight to end this unbridled construction,” offered the Democrats.


Both Balwierczak and Yampaglia are “no nonsense” in what they plan to do:

Request for an immediate moratorium of all new residential apartments that are in conflict with the mass, scale and character of the community.

The Democrats are calling for a comprehensive traffic and parking study to examine the flow of cars here in North Arlington.

The Democrats said they would entertain permit parking for homeowners and tenants.

The Democrats will oppose any future pay hikes for part-time politicians like Fitzhenry & Sheedy who have awarded themselves four straight raises!

The Democrats will call for a Town Hall so that residents are fully aware of the current redevelopment plan that is in conflict with the notion of keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban.

“Massive overdevelopment makes no sense for North Arlington. It is time to review and reconsider these housing plans that lack any community support,” offered both Balwierczak and Yampaglia.

Meet the Democrats this Saturday at the North Arlington Post Office from 9 AM to 12 noon located at Ridge Park Drive.

The Democrats are hosting a “Meet & Greet” on Wednesday, October 30th at the Arlington Diner beginning at 7PM and light refreshments will be served.

For more information, contact the campaign at (201) 655-8497.