Keeping North Arlington small, safe and suburban is being destroyed by the gentrification, density, urbanization and lack of street parking by Fitzhenry & Sheedy!

NORTH ARLINGTON – The very questionable pronouncements from a supporter of embedded GOP incumbents Brian Fitzhenry & Allison Sheedy that appeared online (FACEBOOK), came into full view with this latest diatribe against door-to-door campaigning and keeping residents in the dark, especially with their unpopular and misguided overdevelopment practices that have residents up in arms!

According to council candidates John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia, the decision by Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy to arbitrarily approve hundreds of apartment dwellings along Ridge Road with hundreds more to come is the single biggest issue on the minds of voters since the last housing scheme known as Encap, which was stopped by local Democrats ending the threat of 1,500 low income housing units on Porete Avenue.

“Different melody, same song,” offered John Balwierczak and John Yampaglia seeking to become the first Democrats to be elected since 2016. No Democrat has served since 2019 and all seven seats on the North Arlington Mayor & Council are monopolized by the Republicans headed by both Fitzhenry and Sheedy. 

In a strange and bold statement, Fitzhenry and Sheedy seemingly mocked the notion of canvassing and meeting voters as they were “too busy” governing.

“What are they talking about? They refuse to engage the public and why would they? They would have to justify the failed notion of overdevelopment. They would have to answer the central question, why so many apartments no one supports? It is really the only issue on the minds of voters,” offered Balwierczak.

“If attending one meeting a month and receiving roughly $1,000 to attend is governance, it is failed governance indeed. They are not municipal professionals. They are part-time politicians who are hell bent on destroying the notion of keeping the community small, safe and suburban.”

Democrats were amused when they were accused of lying about their record.

“What lies? They refuse to state this record of ineptitude and failure. Show us the lies. They are frustrated we don’t attend their “clown car” style of governing. We don’t subscribe to appointing political donors as “consultants,” and we don’t believe in this notion that the mountain must go to Mohammed; we won’t send a man tomorrow,” offered the hopefuls.

“We have noticed how residents are belittled and treated with no respect when they question their misguided and failed ways. It is a waste of time to speak with those who are in this ivory tower like Fitzhenry and Sheedy and we prefer to go to the voters direct who are on our side. Don’t worry, you will see plenty of us come January of 2025.”

Both Balwierczak and Yampaglia are tired of the false accusations of the incumbents, and are asking for the answers to the real questions North Arlington residents really want to talk about :

How many apartment units have been built to date, and how many more are now in the planning stages?

How many apartments are scheduled for Schuyler Avenue?

How many apartments are scheduled for the Belleville Turnpike?

How many apartments are scheduled for River Road?

What will be the fate of the MELRAYS parcel? What will become of the adjoining municipal parking lot?

What will become of the Boston Market property that has recently closed?

When is the Italian Villa property scheduled for demolition? What about the other properties on that strip of Ridge Road?

Why is North Arlington replicating the overdevelopment practices of Belleville? Why is the Mayor of Belleville’s company, Alpha Dog Solutions a vendor? Also a political supporter and consistent campaign contributor! How much is Alpha Dog Solutions being paid?

Why is North Arlington paying consulting fees to a political supporter and campaign contributor like RCM Ceberio? Were other firms interviewed? How much is RCM Ceberio being paid?

Why do Republicans reject the universally accepted principle that North Arlington continue as the gateway to Bergen County and that the community remain small, safe and suburban?

“The arrogance of both Fitzhenry and Sheedy knows no bounds or limitations. They mock the notion of voter engagement, exaggerate their involvement in the operation of the community and refuse to answer any of the tough questions regarding overdevelopment, gentrification, density, the loss of residential street parking, the urbanization of Ridge Road and the plethora of apartment dwellings they, and they alone approved with zero public input or feedback. North Arlington requires responsible two-party government because the future is now. The reckless and failed path under Fitzhenry and Sheedy must be corrected and that can only happen with a change in the make-up of this Mayor and Council. They have had nearly a decade of unfettered control of a government that is a monopoly and monologue of the very voices that do not listen or respond to the concerns of everyday residents and voters. The good news is that help is on the way come Tuesday, November 5th,”

Meet the Democrats any Saturday at the North Arlington Post Office located at Ridge Park Drive from 9 to 12 noon.

Call the candidates at 201-655-8497 to discuss the issues you really care about. They will be happy to stop by your home and talk about North Arlington’s future.