No matter what level of government, political leadership and the will to move forward is what Americans expect.
On February fifth, President Donald Trump unveiled his vision for the future of America. The week before Governor Phil Murphy made an address with his vision for the Garden State.
Bipartisan cooperation among the parties is critical to do the things people expect for their tax dollars.
The 800 lb gorilla in the room for North Arlington is the future of the Queen of Peace High School parcel.
While we hear rumors of a multi-million dollar purchase by the North Arlington Board of Education, why isn’t a plan of action being truly shared with parents, students and residents?
Why isn’t a Town Meeting being held to simply discuss the goals and objectives of the North Arlington Board of Education?
Most importantly, what is the public price tag to such an acquisition and the benefit to our children?
For the acquisition of the property is the initial cost to taxpayers. Will this facility demand a major renovation of sorts, and what will be the capital improvements requested?
Will the district need additional personnel and other new costs managing another building that will be the largest of all the districts physical plants.
Public policy embraced by residents and voters is a public policy that is explained and stands the test of questions, observations, advice and criticism.
Transparency matters.
This single parcel of land will be transformed and the cost of such an educational transformation must be shared with residents in a setting that answers questions and builds public support.
Many around the community seem to believe that several options for the property should be discussed and bantered about. A healthy discussion of the future of this property is just the right thing to do.
With school budgets no longer on the ballot and the virtual elimination of competitive school board elections, the move of these contests to a November ballot has shielded the district from a higher form of accountability and public scrutiny.
Half of all property taxes are dedicated to public schools.
Every homeowner has a stake in great schools and the policies of our schools moving forward.
Go to school board meetings and ask the necessary questions. Post and BLOG about the issues that matter to you.
Get involved and run for public office. A healthy democracy and good schools is based on participation that is abundant and diverse.