North Arlington – In a flyer entitled “Vikings Value, a Blueprint for our Future,” the first detailed estimate of the QPHS renovation, facility upgrades, full day PRE-K-4, Security Personnel and overall increased staffing will cost NA homeowners based on a property value of $342,000 some $802.33 in the first year would be the floor figure should all the Public Questions be approved by voters.
A referendum will be scheduled in December of 2019 which will propose nearly $10 million dollars in new spending that will include security vestibules for all six schools, a new Gymnasium at Jefferson School, two Pre-K/K classrooms and bathrooms, HVAC (Air-Conditioning) upgrades at Roosevelt and Washington Gymnasiums while a new roof, interior and exterior upgrades, new boilers, HVAC (Air-Conditioning) for the Cafeteria and upgrades at the Alamo (QPHS outdoor athletic field) will take place at the old Queen of Peace HS which will be transformed into the new Middle School location for the district.
According to the flyer (click here), the estimated School Tax hike will be $114.22 or $9.52 per month for these specific improvements above and upgrades which is the lion’s share of what is being proposed.

A “Yes” vote on Question #1 calls for $1.8 million in new spending and an estimated tax hike of $377.57 or $31.46 per month for the following staffing increases:
· Three (3) K-4 Teachers
· Two (2) Grade 5 Teachers
· Two and half (2.5) Guidance Counselors
· One and half (1.5) Music Teachers
· One (1) ESL (English as a Second Language) Teacher
· Two (2) Physical Education Teachers
· Two (2) Art Teachers
· One (1) Computer Technician
· One (1) Secretary
· One (1) Nurse
· Three (3) Custodians
Question #1 if passed would call for the hiring of twenty (20) additional positions of which 11.5 will be for instruction.
A “Yes” vote on Question #2 calls for $709,305 in new spending or and estimated annual tax hike of $148.43 or $12.37 per months for the following new staffing increases:
· Six (6) Special Law Enforcement Officers
· Six (6) Door Monitors
· Additional and unspecified staffing coverage for school-based evening events
Question #2 would add another twelve definitive positions and several unspecified staffing that could be full-time or part-time in nature if met with voter approval.
A “Yes” vote on Question #3 calls for $780,290 in new spending for an annual increase of $162.11 or $13.51 per month which would further increase school staffing:
· Seven (7) Pre-K Teachers
· Seven (7) Pre-K Aides
Question #3 would add fourteen (14) more staffing positions of which seven would be instructional and seven staff support should voters vote yes.
In total, this ambitious and expensive proposal will permanently add $13.3 million dollars in new spending while hiring at least forty-six new employees of which twenty-one will be full-time instruction.
While year one estimates are just that, the actual cost could change based on those hired and where they would start in the Teacher’s Salary Guide or CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement). It is unclear based on these estimates just where some of these new employees would fall in terms of individual cost to the school district and these estimates are not clear if they include healthcare and pension costs on a per employee basis.
Almost all school employees part-time and full-time are members of one of the several collective bargaining units that negotiate with the North Arlington Board of Education and Schools Superintendent.
No doubt the cost of the proposal will weigh heavily in the minds of homeowners and is there a value that exceeds these anticipated spending hikes and Property Taxes increases?
The referendum will be held in December where many believe voter turnout will be low and award a distinct electoral advantage to those supporting this massive reorganization of North Arlington’s public schools.
In most New Jersey school districts school spending accounts for upwards to 60% of one’s Property Tax Bill. New Jersey leads the nation in per pupil spending and teacher salaries as well as some of the most expensive obligation in the United States (click here for video of former NJ Governor Chris Christie explaining the cost of public education in New Jersey)
The entire Board of Education is supportive of the plan and now the time is here to justify this mammoth spending proposal to NA voters.
It is unclear if freshman Mayor Daniel Pronti is for or against the proposal.
“The buck stops with the Mayor. He is in charge. He is the overall leader of North Arlington. He must take a stand on this array of public questions. There can be no ambiguity as to where he stands. Councilwoman Allison Sheedy is in the employ of the school district. Where does she stand? This is a complicated proposal that should be vetted by the entire community,” offered one longtime observer of North Arlington’s political scene.
For more details, we encourage you to contact the Board of Education at (201) 991-6800 for any questions or comments you might have.
Here are the members of the Board of Education:
· George McDermott – President
· Michelle Higgins – Vice-President
· Edward Smith – Trustee
· Robert Dorsett – Trustee
· Heather Gilgallon – Trustee
Here are the Professional Staff contacts:
· Schools Superintendent Dr. Stephen Yurchak can be reached at extension 3055 or [email protected]
· Schools Business Administrator/Board Secretary Samantha Dembowski can be reached at extension 2032 or [email protected]
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