People have a First Amendment right to express themselves, knock off the phony enforcement!

NORTH ARLINGTON – Last week North Arlington Democratic council candidate John Balwierczak was contacted by the Borough’s Building Official regarding a sign on his family property promoting his candidacy. One wonders why he was contacted by a municipal employee who happens to be a longtime supporter of the incumbents Brian Fitzhenry and Allison Sheedy and earns nearly $120,000 annually courtesy of taxpayers?

He demanded the sign be removed, citing no law or ordinance, just claiming it was “too early.”

This violation of one’s First Amendment rights is obvious, evident and a ridiculous waste of tax dollars, as well as time and energy of this seemingly bored employee who has nothing else better to do with his time!

Here is a copy of the phone call Mr. Balwierczak received editing out his cell number and here is the signage displayed on the property.                             

Balwierczak is a Democrat and the six-figure plus building official is a Republican.

This kind of politically targeted action is silly and petty and the primary reason why we need responsible two-party government. For who told this individual to contact and call the candidate over something that is neither illegal or harmful in anyway?

Where is the Borough Administrator who earns upwards to $200,000?

Is he even aware of what occurred?

How about our all-Republican Mayor and Council?

Did they give the directive?

Where is the accountability?


And while all these Republicans believe Mr. Balwierczak is somehow “above-the-law,” here are examples of North Arlington residents and homeowners displaying Trump signs and flags.


Were they questioned, cited or asked to take these items down?

Of course not.

But we believe they have a right of political expression.

In North Arlington, political expression seems exclusively for a message they agree with, and this fundamentally tells you what happens when you have this political monopoly with no one watching out for a majority of residents who ironically are registered Democrats over registered Republicans!

For our opponents Fitzhenry and Sheedy support this kind of unbridled, one-party government where the goal is not to win, but to destroy and humiliate anyone who dares to run against them. They hate competition and they hate a public display of an idea or candidate that isn’t a Republican.

Calling candidates “unqualified” when Fitzhenry is a two-decade political do-nothing and his running-mate Sheedy is a political double-dipper on two payrolls while being compensated by local Republicans to support her colleagues for reelection when they had no opposition.

In other words, her “service” is only tied to getting a check!

For ironclad, one-party displays are acceptable in non-democratic places like Russia, China or North Korea.

Not North Arlington!

No matter what happens this election, we will accept the results and walk away knowing a clear and concise political choice was offered.

To mock those who run and try to position them as the enemy is to the core why this needs to cease.

Freedom of expression is little to ask.

Call (201) 991-6060 and ask for Mr. Fitzhenry or Mrs. Sheedy and tell them what are they going to do about this random and partisan action by a municipal employee?

For where is this tolerated anywhere in America?

Can anyone be this arrogant, obnoxious?

Do your job Mr. Building Official, not the political bidding of local Republicans and show us what action you have taken against these Trump supporters who have every right to display support for the former President!

Our guess is that it does not exist.